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hotterthanNe1: asl
spam grenade: Lance, MAGICAL AND ENTRANCING.
spam grenade: He is my victory button.
hotterthanNe1: o
hotterthanNe1: asl
spam grenade: Don't brandish your medieval weaponry infront of me, you barboon.
spam grenade: I'll nay-slap you back into the old millenia.
hotterthanNe1: whatever
spam grenade: Aha, you seem to gullyway yourself, I nay see the day when an opponent slayeth me.
hotterthanNe1: shut up please
spam grenade: I'll silence my mouth once my upper body has the respect of a thousand nymphs.
spam grenade: You shall be my bitch from this day forth.
hotterthanNe1: what is with you may i ask
spam grenade: My horse, Steedlington is with me at all times.
hotterthanNe1: o that explans it
spam grenade: Also, my rapier whom I have named Star Trek II.
hotterthanNe1: o
spam grenade: Now as for you, my wrath will be ever ending.
spam grenade: EVER
hotterthanNe1: ok
spam grenade: Now, off to the galleyway with you, I'll succumb when I need you.