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IaMnOtAmOnKeY420: asl
lou has stds: I accepted your message.
lou has stds: :-*
IaMnOtAmOnKeY420: ok?
lou has stds: That means you will now bear my children.
IaMnOtAmOnKeY420: umm, no, thats ok
IaMnOtAmOnKeY420: but thanx for the invite
lou has stds: It wasnt an invite, it's a promise.
IaMnOtAmOnKeY420: ok, well, i'm sorry, but no
IaMnOtAmOnKeY420: i hate to reject u like this
lou has stds: NO.
lou has stds: I'm rejecting YOU.
IaMnOtAmOnKeY420: i know it must be hard for u, w/me being so sexy & all
IaMnOtAmOnKeY420: i know, i know, ur in denial
lou has stds: I'm in a state of hardness.
IaMnOtAmOnKeY420: i understadn how hard it must be for u to get over your 1st true love in such a short notice
lou has stds: I understand shut the fuck up.
lou has stds: What now?