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skybluebananas: Hola
lou has stds
: holler back.
skybluebananas: woo woo
lou has stds
: Nathan's a shithead.
skybluebananas: nathan who?
lou has stds
: ILOVENATHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lou has stds
: your nathan.
skybluebananas: o ok
: hes not really
: well, somtimes
lou has stds
: Sure he is.
lou has stds: The bastard thrifted my wallet.
skybluebananas: do you know him?
: im confused
lou has stds
: Yeah, he's in my Math class.
lou has stds: Fucker broke my pencils today.
skybluebananas: were do you live?
lou has stds
: About two blocks down from him, on Sherwood Ave.
lou has stds: He's threatening to come to my house and slit my face off or some shit.
skybluebananas: what state?
lou has stds
: Don't play stupid, you know what state it is.
skybluebananas: dude, im serious
lou has stds
: He tells me to come to his house and go fishing. he ends up mashing forty worms in my mouth.
skybluebananas: don't think were talking about the same dude
lou has stds
: We sure as fuck are.
skybluebananas: wats his last name
lou has stds
: Dont play stupid here, this fuck crossed the line last night.
skybluebananas: not the same person
lou has stds
: It definitely is.
skybluebananas: fuck you
lou has stds
: You would.
lou has stds: Listen to me, just tell him to cut the shit.
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