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AnG4eva3: hey
: hello?
lou has stds
: Hello.
AnG4eva3: hey sup
lou has stds
: The usual, you?
AnG4eva3: same
: asl
lou has stds
: I'm fifteen and male.
AnG4eva3: cool i'm 16 f
lou has stds
: Yes.
AnG4eva3: u got a pic
lou has stds
: Yes.
lou has stds wants to directly connect.
AnG4eva3 is now directly connected.
lou has stds:
AnG4eva3: whats the first yes for
: awww your so cute
lou has stds
: I know.
lou has stds: Heres my dog.
lou has stds:
AnG4eva3: ok
lou has stds
: Magically, Ive aged a bit.
AnG4eva3: u want mine
lou has stds: you want mine?
lou has stds:
lou has stds: I've just finished eating.
AnG4eva3: your a baby
lou has stds
: Hey, no need for name calling.
AnG4eva3: lol sorry hehe
lou has stds
: Here's a more recent one.
lou has stds:
AnG4eva3: whish one r u
: ?
lou has stds
: I'm all of them.
AnG4eva3: uh ok right
lou has stds
: Different stages of my life, all in one photo.
lou has stds: Ahh, the things photoshop can do.
AnG4eva3: wow your tlanted
lou has stds
: Heres an old one.
AnG4eva3: talanted*
: ok
lou has stds
lou has stds: I'm gay.
lou has stds: Yet, stylish.
lou has stds: Do I turn you on?
AnG4eva3: yea whatever floats your boat
lou has stds
: Water.
AnG4eva3: lol
lou has stds
lou has stds: I'm the one in the blue.
AnG4eva3: no ones it the blue
lou has stds
: It's eye trickery, look again.
AnG4eva3: UHHHH NO
lou has stds
: Hmm, look one more time.
AnG4eva3: ok your the girl
lou has stds
: Nope, try again.
AnG4eva3: theres only 2 freaking peeps in the pic loser
lou has stds
: Actually there's fourteen.
lou has stds: They are hidden, can you find them?
AnG4eva3: NO DAMN
lou has stds
: Ok, I'm done with you.
AnG4eva3 direct connection is closed.