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Eminem MnMs: hi
Eminem MnMs: lol
Eminem MnMs: whaddup
lou has stds: Hello, I'm a representative for Baskin Robins Ice

lou has stds: Would you like to take a few seconds to answer
a few questions?

Eminem MnMs: umm, i guess
Eminem MnMs: lol
lou has stds: What is your favorite flavor?
Eminem MnMs: i dunno. never been to a ice cream place like

lou has stds: You've never to been to Baskin Robins?
Eminem MnMs: nope
lou has stds: Where do you live, Western Sur-Diestinasia ?
Eminem MnMs: no
Eminem MnMs: michigan
lou has stds: I see.
lou has stds: What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Eminem MnMs: mocha
lou has stds: Would you ever eat a cock-flavored ice cream?
Eminem MnMs: ew no
lou has stds: How about a cock-flavored ice cream?
Eminem MnMs: no
Eminem MnMs: go away
lou has stds: Let's say you were in the revolutionary war,
starting a revolution, which side would you be on, and why?

Eminem MnMs: the revolution side?
lou has stds: America or Great Britain, moron.
Eminem MnMs: well anyway, go away cuz i kno this is just a
gag. america, duh

lou has stds: If gag means real survey, then yes, it's quite the

Eminem MnMs: well im gonna block you now. bye