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greendayrulz404: did any1 download the full mark tom and
travis show cd off kazaa?

greendayrulz404: did
greendayrulz404: u
greendayrulz404: ?
lou has stds: i did!
greendayrulz404: wat is ur screen name for kazaa
lou has stds: it's fuckyoudick
lou has stds: whats yours?
greendayrulz404: asshol
lou has stds: ?
greendayrulz404: e*
lou has stds: no, thats really it.
lou has stds: EAT MY STEW?
greendayrulz404: for real
lou has stds: EAT MY STEW?
greendayrulz404: wat?
lou has stds: shit, what are you trying to pull.
greendayrulz404: if i can find u i'll give u a naked pic of me
lou has stds: all i ask is that you answer a question.
greendayrulz404: im a girl
greendayrulz404: what
greendayrulz404: yes
lou has stds: will you answer my question?
greendayrulz404: ok yes
lou has stds: its going to be in spanish.
greendayrulz404: k
greendayrulz404: i speak spanish
lou has stds: the third part is in french.
greendayrulz404: go
lou has stds: four letters are german.
lou has stds: and one word is italian.
greendayrulz404: i speak french now
greendayrulz404: just go!
lou has stds: §ƒ|æó} _¦ö¦ JæD ?
greendayrulz404: yes
greendayrulz404: i do
greendayrulz404: i think
lou has stds: my question was "i'm not going to trade with you,
is this ok?"

lou has stds: and you said yes.
greendayrulz404: no
lou has stds: too late.
greendayrulz404: fine i don't care
greendayrulz404: i would give u my pic 17/f/fl
greendayrulz404: but no so bye
lou has stds: YOU FAGGOT BLINK 182 SUCKS
greendayrulz404: it's 4 my b/f
lou has stds: then call your boyfriend, tell him he's gay and
punch yourself in the face.

greendayrulz404: leave me alone cock sucker
lou has stds: i am what i eat.
greendayrulz404: yes i guess u r
greendayrulz404: now leave me alone