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countrydude183: r u gay?
lou has stds
: yes, yes i am.
countrydude183: oh so is that how u got ur stds is by being fucked in the ass?
lou has stds
: yes, as a matter infact it is.
countrydude183: ha ha damn man, that sux
: but servs u right
: thats y god said not to be a homosexual
lou has stds
: it does, since god hates fags and all.
lou has stds: i know.
countrydude183: yup and so do i
lou has stds
: i've been praying to him ever since, but he just turns his back.
countrydude183: cause i hate fags, mexicans, niggers, sand niggers, gook's
: oh and cant forget jews
lou has stds
: never forget the jews.
countrydude183: well he never will forgive u for letting another mans penis enter ur ass
lou has stds
: he might, one day.
countrydude183: nope never u will rot in hell
lou has stds
: i heard the devil gives some good anal.
countrydude183: unless u got straight, but now what woman wants a man whos fucked in the junk
lou has stds
: not many, my friend, not many.