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DirtyPirateSoapz: i need help
lou has stds: What kind?
DirtyPirateSoapz: a password
DirtyPirateSoapz: to a yahoo account
DirtyPirateSoapz: i've been sent to op
DirtyPirateSoapz: to find someone
lou has stds: I was sent to Op to help you.
DirtyPirateSoapz: hahah how convenient!
DirtyPirateSoapz: so, this means you can help?
lou has stds: Yes.
DirtyPirateSoapz: ok. i need a yahoo password
DirtyPirateSoapz: just tell me what you need to know and i'll supply it
lou has stds: I need to know the account name.
DirtyPirateSoapz: is that all?
lou has stds: I need your age.
DirtyPirateSoapz: why mine?
lou has stds: Do you want help or not?
DirtyPirateSoapz: lol
DirtyPirateSoapz: may 18, 1983
DirtyPirateSoapz: i'm 18
lou has stds: Ok.
lou has stds: You're age is 18.
DirtyPirateSoapz: precisely
DirtyPirateSoapz: anything else?
lou has stds: Half of it.
DirtyPirateSoapz: ?
lou has stds: Half of 18 is 9.
DirtyPirateSoapz: you're correct, sir...
DirtyPirateSoapz: lol
DirtyPirateSoapz: but if you know this, then why'd you ask me?=P
lou has stds: I didnt ask you.
DirtyPirateSoapz: no, you're right. you just said "half of it"
DirtyPirateSoapz: i shouldn't assume
lou has stds: Never assume, that's the downfall of humanity.
DirtyPirateSoapz: that, and pauly shore
lou has stds: I enjoy Pauly Shore.
DirtyPirateSoapz: I'd enjoy him more if he'd return my calls.
DirtyPirateSoapz: or agree to a paternity test
lou has stds: I'd agree to a paternity test.
DirtyPirateSoapz: but i fear if you're the father, lou jr might have some stds
lou has stds: No, you'd have the stds, he'd get the beauty of me.
DirtyPirateSoapz: drat! such luck
DirtyPirateSoapz: but the crabs can keep me company!
DirtyPirateSoapz: hehe
DirtyPirateSoapz: so, any other information you need from me?
lou has stds: Yes, bust size?
DirtyPirateSoapz: lol
DirtyPirateSoapz: my goodness!
DirtyPirateSoapz: we ARE working towards a password here, correct?
lou has stds: Sure.
DirtyPirateSoapz: haha and by sure you mean...
DirtyPirateSoapz: ?
lou has stds: By sure I mean give me your bust size.
DirtyPirateSoapz: 36c
DirtyPirateSoapz: hooray for boobies
lou has stds: You fatty.
lou has stds: I'll not converse with the likes of the over-weight.
DirtyPirateSoapz: hahaha
DirtyPirateSoapz: how silly
DirtyPirateSoapz: i'm not overweight
DirtyPirateSoapz: but if you insist that i am, who am i to go out of my way to convince you otherwise
DirtyPirateSoapz: perhaps i'll harass you later. I must call my obesity support group and see when the next meeting is
DirtyPirateSoapz: have a nice afternoon=)
lou has stds: Its night-time.
Previous message was not received by DirtyPirateSoapz because of error: User DirtyPirateSoapz is not available.

DirtyPirateSoapz: oh but wait, i've returned
lou has stds: Its night-time.
DirtyPirateSoapz: it's 3:30 here
lou has stds: Its not 3:30 here.
DirtyPirateSoapz: well what time is it?
lou has stds: No 3:30.
DirtyPirateSoapz: did you hear about the mother of the "boy genius" who produced false records for his test scores?
DirtyPirateSoapz: and now the boy is going insane because he was pushed so hard
lou has stds: No, did you hear the one about the fish?
DirtyPirateSoapz: no, what about this fish?
lou has stds: Well you didnt hear it so you wouldnt get it.
DirtyPirateSoapz: you could be right
DirtyPirateSoapz: did you hear the one about the overweight girl on the internet trying to find a password for a yahoo account?
lou has stds: Yeah, she ended up picking up a coin but the homosexual and her went back to hell.
DirtyPirateSoapz: damn. i hate it when they already know the punch line
lou has stds: I'll punch you.
DirtyPirateSoapz: i'll punch back
DirtyPirateSoapz: =)
lou has stds: I called no punchbacks.
DirtyPirateSoapz: well i have my cootie shot
lou has stds: I'll give you a shot, with my rifle.
DirtyPirateSoapz: *bites you* you didn't call no biting
DirtyPirateSoapz: it's been a pleasure biting you, but I've got to drive my ass down to the Air Force Academy to rape some cadets
DirtyPirateSoapz: so you have a lovely EVENING
DirtyPirateSoapz: bye=)
lou has stds: Bie.
Previous message was not received by DirtyPirateSoapz because of error: User DirtyPirateSoapz is not available.