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...stan mikita...

Welcome to the official site of Stan Mikita, a punk rock band hailing from Yardley, PA
(plus State College, Lycoming, Killadelphia, and Newark, Delaware. Enjoy your stay.)

Stan Mikita is:

Brett Keys : Vocals
Collin Adkins : Guitar
Jeff Simmons : Guitar
Dave Mays : Bass
Brian Evans?: Percussional Assistant
He's a cool kid, don't worry.


Alright, here's the deal. Stan Mikita is back and in full effect. We'll be rockin' over Spring Break so if you wanna come out and check it, feel free...although we know you won't. Anyway, we've got some new stuff comin up and hopefully we can record it? I'll ask Sean Tice, I'm sure he won't be busy. Oh, by the way, I heard he's doing great at school, has a degree in Child Molestation. Not too shabby.

  • The site has a new picture gallery...check it out. Picture Gallery

  • Big shout outs to the newest rock stars of Lower Bucks County. Forgetting your past is always a dangerous know who you are.

  • Check out our potential album cover by clicking on the link below:
    Potential Album Cover?
    view the guestbook | sign the guestbook

    Copyright 2003...Stan Mikita