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Midwest Angels


The Good Old Days

      I remember the good old days in a different fashion than most. A lot of people look at the hardships and inconveniences, but when you look at it from a child's viewpoint, you can see it differently.
     We used to fix the front porch up like a stage, using a sheet for a curtain and we had plays and talent contests. Mom would fix the sheet up for us,  bake cookies and fix lemonade.
     When we had talent contests (we got the ideal from the  Ed Sullivan Show) we would charge 5 cents to watch and give it for the prize. A lot of the parents would come for that and set on benches and chairs we had fixed for them.
      I can remember walking better than a mile to school, and now I try to find the closest place to park when I go to Walmart. That is why I am overweight.
      We pulled our little red wagon to the ice plant to get a block of ice to put in the icebox to keep things cold so we could enjoy the leftovers later when there were any, but I wonder if some people even keep their leftovers now.
      My dolls were made of hollyhocks, our play dishes were pieces of rock or whatever we found at the time.
      I had two brothers and the oldest was a golf caddy and would get old clubs and golf balls, so we  dug holes in the yard for golf.   We played kick the can, chalk the block, marbles, rubber guns, (similar to paint ball), dodge ball, and many numerous games, a lot we made up.
     All the neighborhood children usually came to our house because we had a longer smoother gravel road to play baseball, touch football, and an old garage to play dodge ball. Even though we lived in town we didn't have to worry about the cars hurring through, because they always looked out for children playing in the road and there weren't that many cars to start with.
     I got my first bike(used) when I was 15. Most kids now are thinking about a car.
     I feel like my children missed so much by not knowing the memories you store up for old age and living in a time when there weren't as many cars, no computers, schooling meant reading, writing, arithmetic, a hand shake was as good as a contract, and pot meant the slop jar under grandma's bed, there was a Mr. and Mrs now is boyfriend or girlfriend and the children.
Remember the days when your neighbor was also your best friend. You would get together every morning for coffee and discuss important things like your children in school, the price of coffee, the weather, what you are going to wear to so and so's wedding. Things have changed so much. The war came, and women were needed to fill in for the men that went  to be soliders.

      I married and had five wonderful children. They all married and I had nine grandchildren. One grandson went to live with the Lord in June 1993. They range in age from 12 to 21. The oldest (girl) is getting married in June then someday I will have a great grandchild. They are all angels to me.
     My littlest angel, I adopted over the net. Her name is Amanda and she is five years old. I love her like my own grandchildren. I have never met her but have got to know her through the mail and email. If you are needing a child to love, go to my angel link and check it out.

  Well my little Amy got married and lives with her wonderful husband in southern Missouri. Check out my picture of her and her husband in the family pictures link under long ago photos. Guess I had better come back and write some more. I has been a while since I have written. My other granddaughter got married and I have a Great Grandson. His name is William David Wayne Pitts. He was born March 24. 2000. This picture was when he was three days old.

Boy am I getting behind. I have another new great grandson.He was premature. Weighted in at 2 lbs.15 1/2 ozs. 15 inches long. Boy, named Josuah Michael Bartlett. He belongs to Chrissy and Jeremy. Born November 19, 2000. Guess what?? Have another great grandson. He was born in March just befor his brothers birthday. Named Josua Zane Pitts 7 lbs 10 oz 20 3/4 in long. Boy am I behind!!I now have 4 great grandsons and expecting a girl in July. I have Willi, Joshuah, Zane and Bryce

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Long Ago Photos

Old Recipes

Etiquette,Weights and Measures

Poems Of Long Past

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My Family Tree