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Dungeon Siege is a Fantasy Role Playing Game, or an FRPG. This game can be compared to the likes of Diablo II, Baldur's Gate II, and Arcanum. Dungeon Siege features an innovative new way to build your character by choosing from one of these 4 modes: "Melee, Ranged, Combat Magic, and Nature magic." With these four modes of play, a character can play through the game developing his/her character. What is so revolutionary about this design is that you can multi-class your character to create inventive new types. These allow for up to 15 different combonations to choose from. PvP (player vs player)is supported in this game, as is a program called Siege Editor. This program allows you to create your own worlds, items, spells, and so forth. If you are looking for a new FRPG to play, this is your best pick.