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2002-03 Rookies Tournament

The digital images in the following pages were taken during the 2002-03 rookies tournament held from September 4th to the 8th 2002, at the Robert-Guertin arena in Hull, Quebec.

These digital images were taken by a non-professional photographer using a new camera, so not all the images are clear. All the images may also appear a little fuzzy because they were drastically reduced from their original high-resolution size so that the pages will appear faster. It is not recommended to print these images, but they may be saved on your computer.

The original high-resolution images are available upon request by clicking this link .

Simply indicate the name of the requested image (as in "pic0123") and I will send you the original high-resolution image in ".jpg" format.

These pages are not available to the general public, but may be shared between the players from this tournament, their families and friends. Please take note that I will only send the high-res. images to the players from this tournament.

To view images, click Here