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This is a very small presentation of my Central Asian / Russia Collection which I'm building up since about 4 years.

My aim is to scan as much maps as possible and in a first step to store them on CD-ROM's or 4mm-Tapes. For this I have the possibility to use the large scanner in our office. Technical details you can find here. Most of the maps have an original resolution of 508 or 1016dpi and are in 8bit or in 24bit mode.

Example Truskotio 1772 Mappa Gubernii Orenburgensis Geographica

In a second step I would like to show them to here on these pages to all map lovers all over the world. The presentation is at the moment a very simple one. Lack of time and knowledge of Internet and much to less dick space prevent me to present the maps nicer.

So I would like very much work together with a library to give my already scanned maps (about 150 maps, in all about 30GB) a second home and to get support in building up a good and valuable Homepage, dedicated to the wonderful world of Old Maps of Central Asia

Maps I (in cyrillic letters)

Maps II (in latin letters)

A little story about a great map

NEW! (update 15.11.01)

Servie géographique de l'Armée "Carte de l'Asie 1: 1 000 000"
The five maps I stitched together and color corrected were published between 1901-1904
(Could someone borrow me the missing map?)

Somewhere in 2002 I will present some Russian 10-Werst Maps (1920-25) of Turkestan. So come back often!!

Markus Hauser
Gutstrasse 7
8400 Winterthur
Tel. ++41 (0)52 233 01 67
Fax. ++41 (0)1 451 20 45