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Last Update: January 1st
My Thoughts go to all those who have died in the terrorist attack on Tuesday September 11th.


WoW XXVI: The next WoW starts this Friday January 4th. I hope to see alot of RDA activity this time and I also hope we do a bit better then last time.

Leaving: Triple has left us. I don't know if I speak for everybody but I'll surely miss him. 2.5 years I have been in a clan with him and it feels weird not to be anymore. I hope we can keep in touch my friend.

WoW XXV ends: Well I think its a sad ending of the WoW for a bit. Most of us couln'd be there in the end because of the zone due to they fact that they changed the way of signing in (again). I hope we will have more succes in the next WoW. Its back to the ladder agin now.

WoW XXV update: The week of War has been up and running for a while again now and RDA's isnt doing to bad considering that the clubs that are in the top five have a long history and long time members. Keep the good work up you guys

WoW XXV: The week of war starts today and I would like all members to participate in it. I also want to ask the experienced WoW players in RDA to help and support the new members to play in WoW. Happy hunting everyone :-)


To all new Recruits:

Those of you who haven't signed up at battlestats will not be a official member of the Royal Defense Alliance. This is just our policy to avoid confusion in WoW's and in the RDA ladder because you need to be signed up at battlestats to participate in these two events.

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