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Winners of Find the Secret Sentence No. 1

- 1. Chris. M
- 2. King. Neo
- 3. Lord Nic
- 4. Ian Maloney
- 5. Jacob Kamile
- 1. Martin Goodall - 8/10
- 2. Antz - 10/10 ---------
- 3. Lord Nic - 10/10 ------
- 4. Gordon - 8/10
- 5. DaTeL - 7/10
- 6. Tim Schaefer - 7/10
- 7. Idiot w/ no name - 8/10
- 8. Justin Arcioni - 10/10
- 9. Andrew - 8/10
- 10. Tooty Fruity - 7/10
- 11. Jon Wahlgren - 8/10

Rare Lair Tower of Tragedy No. 1

This Stinkhole is proudly owned by Jason 'Jeice' Frost and err... stop monkeying around!
If you have a lumpy, hairy, brown piece of monkey poo next to your name, that means that you aced the Tower of Tragedy, by getting 10/10. Good work fellow ape
Rare Lair - Main page

Rare Lair Tower of Tragedy No. 2

- 1. Rare Banjo - 8/10
- 2. Lord Nic - 10/10 ------
- 3. Wesley Martinez - 9/10
- 4. Antz - 10/10 ---------
- 5. Dickwad - 8/10
- 6. Justin - 9/10
- 7. Martijn - 9/10
- 8. Jeter758 - 8/10
- 9. Martin Goodall - 10/10
- 10. No named punk - 9/10
- 11. Alan - 9/10
- 12. Paul - 7/10
- 11. Freakster - 9/10
- 12. Master Man - 9/10
- 13. 00Ryan - 9/10
- 14. The_Worminator - 9/10