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News from the Server Admin 7.1.02
This is Tilly here. I would love to have some help from some of you guys. Once we get this public server I would like to get some different plugins for the server stuff like the shit on N.E.R.D. If you could do that for me that would be nice. Also I am setting my webserver up so i can put some really cool thign for our public clan server. Also i dont want to be chaicing you guys all over the net tryign to get you people in to practice it should already be automatic. Server 6:00pm pst in the server. Not lets wait for tilly or rek to show up and tell us to go. There are a few of you guys who have been doign good. Tilly

ID LIKE TO INTRODUCE THE NEWEST SQUAD OF |r2d| ! 4ng3lz = Angels MEMBERS: Liliana - Jessica - Soulsista - Sleeplessgirl - Vet . OLD SQUAD |r2d-r| = reserves also coming back.

I gotta make some rules because i been seeing things I dont like. One is not showing up to practice. If you dont show to practice when your on cs at 6:00pm pst that will be a strike. 3 of them and your gone. The other thing was not wearing your tags properly |r2d-r|, |r2d-4|, |r2d| . I catch you not having them on 3 times your gone. I really hate to make such rules but, we been slacking on practicing in our server. Practice is for: attendance, meetings/chat, introduceing new members, other clans and our main priority 'training'.

r2d server 6.25.02
There is going to be one more server transfer some time next month to a west US server for better ping.

|r2d| Liliana * 6.10.02
|r2d| Liliana * will be helping me more with the krew to help me and us all out. gathering members, posting news, take messages and play on the servers with you all.

This i really need to bring up 6.10.02
When your in a server with r2d members: Pick Skin #4 on CT or T if your a main rusher*! Pick Skin #3 on CT or T if your a main sniper^! Be on the same team often to improve CLAN STATS ! Stay close and use GO commands ! TEAM WORK !

r2d is going through changes constantly 6.10.02
This is whats happining, {r2d} is back for the new recrutes. The reson is that the recrutes feel its wack to have an "r" in the tag cuz they feel noob, And i think it fucks up the good looking tag of |r2d|. |r2d| is main r2d krew. {r2d} is new members or training,

Roster Addition 4.17.02
r3k felt the need to expand into another game and, of course, another section of r2d. He's already recruited a few TFC pps and is working on more. The current TFC roster can be found through the roster list on the sidebar. Once again, for you new TFC r2ders... find my AOL sn and msg me your stats. Also, if I forgot to mention to the rest of the r2d krew: if you have a homepage, I can also put that up, as signified by the little house in the last column of the roster lists. But then again, since I've had ONE person msg me as to their gun preference and stuff, I don't really think you guys give a shit as to how you look on the roster list :/. Also, before I forget, r3k gave me the name of a TFC server he plays on a lot (I guess...):
Clan ~[AE]~ NEO-TF (v1.5)