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June 25, 2003

okay. so this place has been rendered
a barren wasteland...i've been brushing
up on my html skills...
i have a lot of ideas, but that's all i seem to be left with.
a shitload of thoughts and fragments of a thesis
surprise surprise

i haven't exactly been happy with these situations i so very often
have to dig myself out of
it's the weather. or the crowding.
i have a lot lined up this summer
high expectations for once.
work seems to be the best cure for suffocation.
movement resolves lackluster pupils.
i miss the people who will be sending me postcards but i'll
be hitting california at the end of next month
i haven't written anything in weeks. well, not
anything unstructured. i measure my mental health by the number of
meandering pages. so far, i'm unsure as to take this as a
postive sign or a negative one. i suppose
it all works out in the end. i've been reading. and wilting.
i need to get outside but must live the irony of
being in possession of a temperament that sunlight can chase indoors.
i'm beginning to sound like a pretentious fucktard and you know it's bad
because i considered turning my nose up at a
mainstream band just to be mean.

that and the fact that i've had ramen noodles
for lunch and dinner for
the last week or so

i'm sick and tired of avoiding and being avoided.
i think i'll go rent star wars again
and hit 700 on my playlist with my eyes
shut and my fingers hot-glued to the air conditioner
which is killing me because it's
so freakin evil to the environment yet
so beneficial to my sanity.

maybe if i bite my arm and e-scold neutral milk hotel fans
i'll explode out of sheer stupidity...and
my willingness to be shallower than a
kiddie pool

so, what's going on with you?