About Me
Hi, my name is Nicole. I'm 21 from Wyckoff, New Jersey.
The holiday season is about sharing time with your lovd ones.
This season, I will be without a few.
My grandma who died from cancer in 2004 and my
grandpa who died from lung cancer in 2006. Since
then , I have been involved with Alex's Lemonade
Stand Foundation doing some of my own lemonade
stands to raise money for children fighting
cancer. It means alot to me to help find a cure
for these kids.

About My Snowflake Mission
I was sitting here drawing on a piece of paper and
started drawing a snowflake. I made a few and cut
them out. Then I thought of the idea. I am going
to make a few thousand of these.
My mission is to have my friends, family members,
neighbors, strangers, anyone to buy a snowflake
for a a dollar. If you dont have a dollar, 25
cents, or whatever you can afford to donate. 100
percent of all these donations are going towards Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation.
Alex was a little girl with an amazing dream. She
started out with a lemonade stand to raise money
for children with cancer so far she has raised
over 1 million for childhood cancer research!!

So from December 21st to December 25th, I will put all
of the snowflakes in my front yard to honor every
one who has fought or is still fighting cancer!

