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do you like it? Hey peeps, I don't really know what my sites about, but I like it anyways. You don't have to visit the whole thing, but sign my guestbook okays!.. I like to feel loved!!!!!

My Friends' Pages

Bec's page: about stinky ol Rebecca!
John's page: all about John :)
Mel's page: about Mel and her friends

If you would like to see pics of a few of my friends click

Desktop Mates

Okay.. so this has got to be THE cutest orange around... it flies, fishes, smokes, cries, tries to pick up ;)... heheh name it... and it most likely does it!!.
This is a totally gorgeous sheep... and you sooo have to have it!!download your pal

And this is a cute lil' kitty that follows your mouse around.

nothing there yet.... so don't go clicking at it!

Hey all!! Guess what?? My school finally made a page... anyways if wanna see what I have to live through... visit the Dapto High School web site. (well use to be my school)

Okay so to know what time it is "there" click here to find out.(World Time Zone).
Just in case your wondering what "this" costs "there" click here for the Universal currency converter.
And if your curious as to what your dreams meanings are click here for an on-line dream dictionary.

Hey... so if anyone is willing to make me feel special... sign my guestbook :)

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