vocab TKAM assuaged- To make (something burdensome or painful) less intense or severe. (p.7) spittoon- A bowl-shaped, usually metal vessel, often with a funnel-shaped cover, into which tobacco chewers periodically spit. (p.9) malevolent- Having or exhibiting ill will; wishing harm to others; malicious. (p.13) condescended- To descend to the level of one considered inferior; lower oneself. (p.20) impressionistic- Of, relating to, or practicing impressionism. (p.23) vexations- The act of annoying, irritating, or vexing. (p.25) amiable- Friendly and agreeable in disposition; good-natured and likable. (p.29) auspicious- Attended by favorable circumstances; propitious. (p.37) azaleas- Any of various shrubs of the genus Rhododendron having showy, variously colored flowers. (p.46) morbid- Gruesome; grisly. (p.48) scuppernong- A wine made from this grape. (p.105) philippic-A verbal denunciation characterized by harsh, often insulting language; a tirade. (p.106) carnal- Relating to the physical and especially sexual appetites: carnal desire. (p.135) penitentiary- A prison for those convicted of major crimes. (p.136) infallible- Incapable of erring. (p.140) gallantly- Smartly or boldly stylish; dashing. (p.86) inconspicuous- Not readily noticeable. (p.89) vehemently- Characterized by forcefulness of expression or intensity of emotion or conviction; fervid. (p.95) imprudent- Unwise or indiscreet; not prudent. (p.5) ruination- The act of ruining or the condition of being ruined. (p.86) obstreperous- Noisily and stubbornly defiant. (p.85) edification- Intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement; enlightenment. (p.138) unimpaired- Not damaged or diminished in any respect. (p.198) expunge- To eliminate completely; annihilate. (p.198) candid- Free from prejudice; impartial. (p.200) volition- The act or an instance of making a conscious choice or decision. (p.195) subtlety- The quality or state of being subtle. (p.197) tactful- Possessing or exhibiting tact; considerate and discreet. (p.130) prerogative- A special quality that confers superiority. (p.131) flighty- Foolish; irresponsible. (p.132) reclusive- Seeking or preferring seclusion or isolation. (p.245) spurious- Of illegitimate birth. (p.246) blandly- Characterized by a moderate, unperturbed, or tranquil quality. (p.273) wisteria- Any of several climbing woody vines of the genus Wisteria in the pea family, having pinnately compound leaves and drooping racemes of showy purplish or white flowers. (p.276)
squalid- Dirty and wretched, as from poverty or lack of care. (p.231) yaws- To move unsteadily; weave. (p.231) impertinence- An impertinent act or statement. (p.233) devout- Displaying reverence or piety. (p.233) squalor- A filthy and wretched condition or quality. (p.234) largo- In a very slow tempo, usually considered to be slower than adagio, and with great dignity. Used chiefly as a direction. (p.234) spun- To spin a tale is to tell a story in a creative, fanciful way. (p.134) brevity- The quality or state of being brief in duration. (p.236) notoriety- The quality or condition of being notorious; ill fame. (p.250) florid- Flushed with rosy color; ruddy. (p.251) nondescript- Lacking distinctive qualities; having no individual character or form. (p.251) eccentricities- An example or instance of eccentric behavior. (p.253) railing- Painful. (p.280) vehement- Full of emotion and strong feeling. (p.223) veneer- Attractive outer surface. (p.243) commutes- Changes; makes less severe. (p.222) a href="vocab>Vocab.
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