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Here is a listing of some good that sites we have found and a short type-up about each one. We only put up sites that we have investigated ourselves. If you know of any other good sites, or if you have a personal one, feel free to e-mail them to us at, and we'll check them out and add them to this list! Also, if the site is your personal site, go ahead and send a link with a banner if you have one and we'll send you one of ours. All links are and will be posted alphabetically in each category, by site/page  title.

General Information
  • PaganPath -
    A good quality, informative site complete with free trial memberships at message boards and chats.  You can find important information, Pagan jokes, and other Pagans here.
  • Witch/Pagan Resources -
    Lots of information on different topics such as Words to live by, Norse Beliefs, and 'Pagan Prose'. Has the general communication additives; chat room, e-mail provider, message board, etc. Very good site for beginner information.
  • The Witches' Voice -
    This is probably the most comprehensive WitchCraft-related site on the web. A plethora of information such as current events, tons of links, a Pagan locator, articles on various topics (and not necessarily Pagan ones), and lots more.
Jacksonville/Northeast Florida Area/Meet-Ups
  • Jacksonville Pagans -
    Good information on the Craft, and some about getting in touch with the Jacksonville Pagan community, too.
  • Jacksonville Pagan Pride Day 2002 -
    No information on Wicca itself, but it leaves no question unanswered about Jacksonville Pagan Pride Day 2002.
  • Northeast Florida Pagan Alliance -
    New group serving Northeast Florida and Southeast Georgia. Only dart: must be eighteen or older to join.
  • -
    Interesting site, with lots of information on the Autumn Meet 2002. Not a lot of information on Wicca, mainly for get-togethers and such.
  • Witches' Meet-Up -
    A good site to visit and sign up with because you can talk to other Witches in your area to  help organize or show up at a meet-up in a public place.  This is a very nice way to meet new, pen-minded people.  However, not EVERYONE in the world IS open-minded, so remember to make sure that there are at least three other people attending a meet-up other than yourself to be safe.  And of course, if you're under 18 years old, get a parent's permission. :)


  • AzureGreen -
    A LOT of different ritual items, jewelry, bumper stickers, clothing, and more. They'll send you a free catalog my snail mail if you sign up.
  • CearaMoon Studios -
    About as much as AzureGreen, but prices are slightly lower. Noticed a lot of the same items as AzureGreen, as well.  Azure Green just happens to be more popular.
  • Circle of Crafts -
    Not a whole lot other than Books of Shadows, but a lot about making them.
  • E-Witch Pagan Auction -
    Not a lot of stuff, but because it's an auction, it'll naturally be cheaper.
  • Tanzyr -
    A fair amount of merchandise at fair prices.