Something to Ponder    Smile for me | Songs               

   Love Someone | Quote-Unquote | Getting To Know U

God gives us a loving spirit so we can become a whole person; not just gifted with a mind that can understand but with a heart that truly cares.

                     sOnG fOr tHe mOmEnT

                      YOU'RE MY YOU

                                NYOY VOLANTE

     Every Romeo has a Juliet
     Wishful thinkers have their stars
     Hopeless romantics each have a love song
     Played on their guitars

     But you, you're everything
     This foolish heart could ever define
     Every wish, every dream, every prayer come true
     I feel so blessed to call you mine
     You're my you, even more
     No one else I'll adore
     You're my you, in my mind
     Simply one of a kind
     You're the one who never fails to brighten my day
     My princess in every fairytale
     You're my mornin' 'til night
     Such a beautiful sight
     You're my you
     Your eyes, your lips
     The touch of your fingertips
     Promise me you'll never take them away
     For as long as I exist
     You're my you, even more
     No one else I'll adore
     You're my you, in my mind
     Simply one of a kind
     You're the one who never fails to brighten my day
     My princess in every fairytale
     You're my mornin' 'til night
     Such a beautiful sight
     You're the heat of the fire in a cold winter's night
     You're a raindrop in June, you're the sun
     You're the one, you're my you

More Lyrics 

mY pRaYeR



hEaLtH tIpS

pIctUrEs gAlOrE


A closer look 

Summer break

December 2002

 December 2003




qUoTe fOr tHe dAy

The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

 My daily inspirational  quotes . 

sOmE pOiNtS tO pOnDeR

The Scorpion

There was this Hindu who saw a scorpion floundering around in the water. He decided to save it by stretching out his finger, but the
   scorpion stung him. ....

 sMiLe.... iT's jOkE tImE

Rules From The Male Side

You always hear "the rules" from the female side.
Now here are the Rules from the male side.......


 Enter My New Domain




last updated: April 17, 2004