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Dear Bishop Henry My name is Michael Farkas, and I am 15 years old. I live in Medicine Hat, Alberta. At first I thought that the meetings would be boring but ones I went to the first one I figured out it was not. We got to plant seeds and put them in a special place inside our house, to pray in that area. I took really good care of it. It grew quite BIG! I think that I should get the Sacrament Of Confermation because I want to get closer to God and Jesus. Thank you for your time to read my letter Bishop Henry. Your Sincerly






Dear Bishop Henry, My name is Denis Bagaric I am 14 years old and i live in Medicine Hat Alberta. I am really thankful to be getting the Sacrament of Confirmation. I feel that this will get me closer to God! So im proud of that. I also feel that this will make me a better person towards myself and others around me. Thank you for your time to read my letter. I really appreciate it! Sincerly: