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Hi! You've most likely got to this page by a link from deadjournal, and now you're about to find out the truth...

The journal you were browsing does not, I repeat, does not, belong to a real wrestler. The author/maintainer is just a player in our RPG (Role Playing Game) called Mat Musings II. So please, don't harass anyone as we do not know any of the wrestlers personally, we mean no harm whatsoever and we NEVER claim that any of our journals are real.

And yes, this game may look familiar to you. The rules, disclaimer page and such are heavily based on It's Scripted, an RPG on Live Journal. There are many other RPG's out there, and we strongly believe that with the creativity of the individual characters in each of them, we can all co-exist. While Mat Musings II respects all of the RPG's out there, we do not interact with them, or claim to be them, as each RPG has their own set of characters and individual storylines.

Why did we make an RPG of our own? Simply to allow us to be the characters we wanted, and to allow us to act out our own storylines.

And now... the FAQ

Are you really the real wrestlers?
No, we most certainly aren't. And we will NOT tolerate or allow any of our characters to proclaim that they really are *said character*. If anyone has told you that, or you want to report any other abuse then please contact Mat Musings II.

Why isn’t *said wrestler*  like they are on TV?
This is a RPG, so even though we take the characters, their names and likenesses from what is portrayed on television, and maybe sometimes off, this is all made up, it's a fantasy thing. This is all fiction, which most of us are fans of, so we use our imaginations and twisted minds to do all this. And yes, you may run into say a Kane, calling himself Glen Jacobs, running around maskless; or a Rey Mysterio, Jr. without his mask.  We will most definetly talk about things that do not appear on wrestling shows, use wrestlers real names and possibly news gathered off message boards to further our characterizations.

Those who participate should try and keep the characters on-goings up with that is actually happening with that person. Like, Kevin Nash's recent injury, Edge's recent neck surgery, Jeff Hardy leaving, etc.

What’s with the gay lifestyle? Is *said wrestler*  really gay?
We make no claims to the sexuality of anyone involved. A great majority of us are fan fiction writers who very much enjoy reading and writing slash (slash is same sex sexual relations); so our characters will reflect that. You also have to take into account the much higher male ratio of wrestling personalities to the amount of females... the boys do get horny!

Also, if you join in and let's say, your Torrie Wilson wants to get it on with The Rock and The Rock is listed as gay, move on. The same if a character is straight. These characters can be gay, straight or bi, it's up to the maintainer to determine that. If the character your character wants isn't into say, het sex, don't harass them, pick someone else or... masterbate.

In addition, regarding the whole sex/relationship issue, if you join in and your brand new Randy Orton would like to see what John Cena is like, but John is already dating someone.. you must play along. There will be no crashing, talking is ok, but don't barge in. Do yourself and all other participants a favor, find out what's going on and work from there. If you crash someone's ongoings, that is a ban worthy offense.

Another example is say Raven is dating Nidia in his storyline.  If you sign up to play Nidia, you have to go along with the Raven relationship that was already established.

How do I play?
First, check our taken/playing wrestlers list to see if the person you are interested in is already chosen. If they are... pick someone else. From time to time people will drop out and put their characters up for adoption, but more on that later. Lurk for a while and check out what goes on before you join up, that way you will be well informed before you dive in.

You will need to secure a deadjournal for your character; complete with a description and photo icon. Please be sure you want to play well with others before you sign-up.  Post regularly, interact with everyone; most importantly do not ask to be added to the community. The Mat Musings II moderator will observe your interaction (you MUST add Mat Musings II as a friend to let me know that you are participating)  to decide when and if you are competent and sociable enough to be added. Then, and only then, will you be added to the community.

The person I want is taken.
Sorry. If they are taken they are taken, there will be no duplicate characters. It's all first come, first serve. Characters from WWE (as well as OVW and HWA) are allowed.

Now, if a journal dies (is inactive for 12 weeks), then you are welcome to revive said character.

Down to Business

Dead Journals: If a journal isn’t updated in 4 weeks, it is dead. Subsequently, the dead character is up for grabs. Believe me, there is always someone waiting for you to die. So be kind to your character and others; don’t play unless you’re going to be active in the game.

Disclaimer: EVERY participant MUST include a disclaimer in their profile. How it is worded is up to the owner, but it MUST state "I am not *said wrestler*". I will be checking for these very regularly to ensure compliance. Lack of a disclaimer will constitute immediate banning.

Surveys, Quizzes, and Tests): Try to keep these limited in your character journals. They tend to slow down friend pages and annoy others. If you must do them (because some people are addicted), please use a cut tag. Oh, and never post a quiz in the community journal. C’mon, there’s always something to say.

IC, OOC, and Anonymity: IC = in character. We try to stay in character. It’s fun to interact as wrestlers, honest. You interact as yourself all day long, why do that while you’re playing here? Aren’t you interested in doing this to escape yourself? OOC = out of character or [discussions held within brackets like so.] Try to keep this limited to necessary questions and the like. If you need to make an OOC Post in journals, please make a friend filter for only those people playing in the game. OOC posts destroy it for the fans faster than anything else (and yes there are people who just read the journals). Anonymity is a good thing here. It’s a lot more fun if we don’t know who’s behind the screenname. If you ever stumble across a faker's real journal or real name, it's nice to keep that info to yourself, a sort of 'we won't tell if you don't' policy.

Common Courtesy and Character Usage: If you have a storyline, but you need, say,  Eric Bischoff to play it out properly… ask first. Don’t use a character without the owner’s express permission. We spend a great deal of time spinning our little dramas, so please ask before doing something that might snip an important thread. By the way, if you don’t heed this warning… It’s a ban-able offence to put words in a character’s mouth or actions in their…yeah, you get the point.

Other Games: There are a series of other wrestling RPG's on Live Journal and deadjournal. We are aware of them, and we do not interact with them. It is also requested that you keep your Mat Musings II characters only on this RPG. It is also requested that you do not filter info IC or OOC to these other RPG's. That's not nice, and it will get you kicked out of Mat Musings II. You are free to join these communities as different characters with different storylines, that's got nothing to do with us.

Plagiarism: Look, we know that people will have very similar ideas from time to time.  However, please don't directly steal from someone.  If you do so, and we can prove it, you will be banned from the community.

Other stuff: Want to be more than one character? Due to the time involvement, most people just have one. But you are allowed up to four. Don't go getting them all at once though. See how you get along with one character first. Spell Check is your friend. If you can’t make icons, there are numerous players who can. Just ask. 

After all that, you still want to play?  Excellent...welcome to our world.

Adam Copeland runs this place. If you have any questions, contact him.

These journals are in no way meant to be libellous/slanderous nor intended with malicious intent and are not meant to misinform other fans, roleplayers or general readers. We also believe that this constitutes "fair use" under section 107 of the US Copyright Law. These journals are nonprofit and not for the use of a public image for any personal gain, nor are they endorsed and/or sponsored by the actual celebrities. Shamelessly copied from It's Scripted and Better Than Gerwitz. Rewritten by Mat Musings for the Mat Musings II RPG on UJ. once again, this is just a game. don't sue. Created August 3rd, 2002