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Tuesday of July 10thof 2002
~Time is 11:22A.M.
Hyeyoung left Memphis to go to the motherland (Korea). I'm going to miss her.
I had a girl....Hyeyoung was her name...
since she left me....I've never been the same....casue i love my girl...Hyeyoung...where can you be...where can you that you're gone...i am left all alone...all by wonder and yoam...cause i love my girl...Hyeyoung...where can you be ... where can you be
You can tell I'm joking...thats from Oh Donna by Ricky Valens.
I'm going to sleep in 3hrs

Thursday of July 4th of 2k2
~Time is 1:25A.M.
Happy Independence Day
I have an irritating cold sore on the right side of my lip, and I just want to cut my mouth off. Work was pretty damn long today considering I been awake since 8:30 to take my dad to the hospital. I’m pretty damn tired after 10 hours of work and running 3 miles after not running for I don’t know how long, since track was over? -_-
I guess I’m not depressed, gloomy, or whatever anymore. Just a little hanging out and “freezing” with my boys and my niece, I managed to get out of my misery. Also, I’m thankful that my dad didn’t have any problems when he had to go to the hospital. We were scared that my dad was going to have cancer. I bet life is tough as hell without a father; I’m more than gratified for my dad nowadays.
My hyung from Korea, who looks like one of those g.o.d. members, sent me 2 be the reds shirts and bandana ^.^ I guess I’ll wear them tomorrow hehe, even though the World Cup is over. David hyung is suppose to come to my house at 10 and let me drive the S2k to go pick up YaeYoung. She wants to go buy toys…LoLz….we are gonna go broke as hell fast. I guess I better go to sleep, I haven’t struggled to sleep for almost 2 days now, I’m happy for that.

Monday of July 1 of 2002
~Time is 6:11A.M.
I almost completed an entire site sponsered by Xanga and put this same entry in there, but the font changed magically so I just gave up on the site. Felt so plain and cheesy, worse than my site. So I'm back to this site...I promise a new layout soon.
I'm struggling from enjoying break, something I longed for countless days. I should have gone to L.A. even though I have my reasons for not going. I disgusted with my surroundings everyday and just want to flee from everything. I feel angry and frustrated about everything I do, there is no incentive for me to do anything. I lost the life in me and don't really care to throw my fake smiles anymore. It's raining right now, you can say that intensifies my misery to another level. Oh yeah, I have to go work at the lovely Texaco in 40minutes for only 5 hours today, which is a small amount of time considering the other hours I work. Work, Work, Work at a young age just to let time fly by. How pathetic. I just noticed that the font is different from when I started first typing. Odd. I'm going to change clothes and hope Danner will come by work with his new WRX and a copy of Starcraft.

Saturdy of June 29 of 2002
~Time is 1:35A.M.
So S. Korea doesn’t even get third place in the World Cup and are in quarrel with North Korea, blaming each other for the navy assault. Lost to Turkey…2-3…I can’t believe it. We went camping…I guess it was pretty fun; I acted like a dumbass and some of us got pretty depressed I got. After a few of us got there early and setup everything, me and James left around 12:30 to go ball with the hyungs. Kinda funny because we had to break our way out of the campgrounds since they locked it up. But, James on the way back got a ticket for going 67 on a 40 so his license is probably gonna be suspended and you just CANNOT have fun in Memphis if you can’t drive. Now someone is gonna have to pick him up if he wants to go out; another tedious task to do…
I’m struggling to sleep. I’m glad I passed out 2 out of the 3 nights that I fell asleep. I’m thinking so much crazy shit these days, I don’t even really know what about or why. I feel like a complete arrogant jackass after saying some stuff that really hurt someone. I know I wasn’t me when I said it too. That’s what I need to do, watch my big mouth. I wonder how many people I piss off; why I care? I have no idea. I guess I have mix emotions inside of me and I’m confused at what’s happening to me. I guess I’m torn apart inside and just slowly bleeding. I’m either soon be healed by a doctor and return to my jovial self or bleed to my demise. I just want to straighten and fix things with this person. _____ doesn’t even want to talk to me right now and it kills me. I hate it when someone I care for hates me. I don’t know what to do. I have no idea how to tell or show someone I care for them; and when I do…it just backfires. I’m lost. I even told myself that I’m not going to struggle or attempt to fix things unless they are my bros, but I’m breakin that promise. I have work in 12 hours for 11 hours, and church. I should go to sleep after a nice LONG shower. Anybody want to shave my head?

Friday of June 28 of 2002
~Time is 5:44P.M.
Well...lots of shit has happened this week; mostly boring shit. Well, I know feel the life being a rollercoaster ride completely. I now understand completely why my parents want me to study hard and get a great job when I grow up. I dont want to be a slacker anymore, but use my abilities the fullest and try to succeed. I guess earning 7$ a hour and then trying to buy all the shit you want is hard. I couldnt imagine working 6 days a week, everyday, at say..8.50$ a hour and saving first week for rent, 2nd week for car payment, 3rd for utlities, bills, food, and 4th to save up for emergencies. Crazy...I guess I'm really fortunate. Took me 22.254 hours to pay for my window tint. It's going to take me another 50 hours to pay for my exhaust. So sad...50 hours!!! oh wellz.
I guess life is hitting me pretty hard these days. I'm realizing a whole bunch of doors to new things. My eyes are opening to the real world. I can't say I'm too happy to learn about the truth. Maybe I haven't been out enough in my life, or the suburb life of mine has spoiled me. I don't even know the words to say to express the shock I feel right now. I'm emotionally wounded for life. Never have I heard such tactless shit in my life. I want to be sad, and I guess let people know I'm sad. Most people don't see that I'm sad I guess, maybe b/c I'm forced to smile everytime I see a guy who I see often come into Texaco; give them the usual wassup, handshake, and the take it easy farewell. I been hit hard. I don't know what to do. Im gonna go camping, but I'm just gonna have shit run through my head.
I know only reason why I do smile is just talking about crap with my hyung. I guess working with him isn't that bad and time doesn't go by that slow. He has a girlfriend now and she's hella nice. Buys us lunch, dinner all the time, and bought us both air freshners for our cars ^.^ Too bad his car is better than mine, but this one dude thought my car could take him. Maybe my mean tint makes my car look faster. Well, seems like he likes this one a bit more than the girls in his past. I'm happy for him and he is gonna go back to school and get some more credits so he can get pursue some other opportunities. Guess I will be going to college.
Well, everyone is at Kobe ass is here ... i better la la la la...i just wanna sleep

Thursday of June 21 2002
~Time is 4:34P.M
After two weeks of prolonging an entry in my journal/blog, I decided to make an update covering those two weeks. Well, I can’t remember much until last Friday where I went on my church’s retreat. I basically just played Starcraft and Counterstrike; and lifted weights after watching the Tyson/Lewis fight. That’s one thing I want to address, the Tyson/Lewis fight. Now, people IM, confront, and call me saying how badly Tyson lost the fight and he’s just a piece of trash now. I beg to differ; Tyson hasn’t had a competitive match for what, over 5 years? He just fought those cocky Europeans in Europe, and probably raped them like a horny Chihuahua. Everyone knows he wanted an aggressive match before going up against Lewis. Well, I just hope Tyson gets a rematch; he has never fought anyone with that kind of reach. He knows what to train for and will come back in conquest.
Back to the retreat, it was pretty good; especially the drive to the camp. I think there were 6 cars plus the church van. Well not six, Daniel was driving a Sentra and was really really really FAR back. Well, we all tried to “race” to get there first, but we didn’t know where it was so it was basically who gets their first minus the van. I won ^.^ after I cut off JaeHee noona at the last red light. W00t! Fun as hell driving in a group, kinda risky, but fun.
Okay, I got $50 in my wallet since my mom was in a good mood and just handed it to me. I was so surprised too. But, I have a job now. I guess I officially work at Texaco since I’m on the schedule and not just called up when someone doesn’t show up. Pay is great, but hours are long. Most of the days I work from 3-closing which is 12 or 1. You do the math. Today, I only have to work 7-12. Shouldn’t be too bad.
I encourage everyone to grab a copy of Scent of a Woman. Al Pacino and Chris O’Donell star in this Oscar-winning movie. I think I had a dream that referred back to this movie, but the dream is really vague so I can’t go into detail. Korea is in the quarter finals, can I get a “Hell Yeah!”? Let’s see that beat Poland 2-0, tied USA 1-1, beat Italy 2-1 in sudden death, and now they play Spain tonight. Everyone watch and be the 12th man like the dude that burned himself, crazy SOB. Every Korean male will shave their heads of Korea wins the World Cup. I’m going to look like an ugly, goofy kid.

Thursday of June 6 2002
~Time is 11:54P.M
Shoutout to BaybeeBulz!(Min) ^.^
You better give me a bigger shoutout on your page!! You should give me like a paragraph! Anyways, I'm not gonna add anymore weight to the 15ibs I gained this summer, don't want scare ya away if we see each other in Cali. Look how special you are to have flying angelic bears surrounding your name! ^_-
Wednesday of June 5 2002
~Time is 3:21A.M.
All I have to say is Wow! I never lost to David hyung in a race so hard. It's about 3A.M and we are on our way home, and I asked David hyung...wanna go? and he was like aiite. So...we just found a deserted road and there is no David hyung gives me the signal to lower my window and he said he'll give the count down which gave him the advantage to know exactly when to let go of his clutch. Well...he says, 3, 2, 1, and he's off and all I get to see are the sweet tailights of the S2k. He was like 6 car lengths ahead of me and I was like Fuck it, and gave up before I was at 5kRPM in 2nd. Normally, I can hang with him up to 3rd gear where he pulls ahead of me and beats me like 1 1/2 cars length, but tonite was totally different. I'm just gonna pay $200 for some springs and another $200 for tint and I think I'll stop there. Jane can get the RSX and I'll get an ITR and hang with hyung to where he'll have to use the full potential of his s2k. Damn, so demoralized after such an asskicking. I love S2000's. Next car = ITR if not BMW Roadster.
Sunday of June 2 of 2002
~Time is 8:20P.M
Why I hate Fords...
ford made a conscious decision to sell the pinto ending over 180 people's lives...all b/c they were too cheap to relocate the gas tank from between the rear axle and bumper to above it then reinforce it (ford still sells all crown vics, town cars, grand marquis with this stupid cheapo design and it is still getting sued for it)'s own internal documents compared lawsuits from deaths to fixing it...they put a price on your life...i'm glad they got sued off their butts...but they are still in even beat out a reckless homicide charge! crash video of pinto: ford did it again with the explorer...they knew it had stability problems b/c of its cheapo crappy rear suspension (they recalled these the identical explorers in Venezuela but not in the US)'s own engineers complained about problems...and fords fixes the problem by deflating the freakin tires...then firestone builds ford a cheap tire b/c ford doesn't want to pay a higher price for a decent one and now we have over 200 dead and 1000's injured...they did it again!!! next was its infatuation with cheapness it got sued in california to recall over 2 million cars with faulty ignitions spanning over 2 would stall when a solenoid connection became too hot (didn't depend on the outside temperature...this recall does not affect cars sold outside california)...this includes when you are crossing moving traffic!!!...over 11 dead and 1000's injured. ford also advertises quality, reliabilty safety...just marketing bs that i have to flip the channel to not watch...bill ford doesn't give a rats ass about yourself...just your money...he had executive decision to fix the explorer and admit wrongdoing. ford also advertises its the environmental car company...more marketing lobbies for decreases in cafe standards b/c its too far behind to compete in advanced fuel can't make a good car so it relies on trucks/suvs to keep profits...of course 200 people killed in explorers can't be repeat customers . This is just the tip of the iceberg...and people still buy ford products...just makes me feel bad for them...lambs for the slaughter...most of ford execs are accountants and marketing people who only care about the bottom line and will sell anything.
Well Lakers are down by 7...back to the game.
Sunday of June 2 of 2002
~Time is 2:26A.M.
Okay, so I'm at front of my computer...thinking of retarded shit. So I ask...a few questions...and I see my good buddy from school, Andy. Andy is our valedictorian right now and is the class president. So I decide to ask a few questions. Here is our retarded conversation...I guess Andy is high or some shit to think of responses so fast and his diction.
i r minsup (2:14:56 AM): Question!
i r minsup (2:14:58 AM): I have a lot actually
i r minsup (2:15:06 AM): STeve Martin asked..."Where do our farts go"
JediAndyG (2:15:06 AM): ok
i r minsup (2:15:16 AM): I've thought about it for like 10minutes..and i dont know
i r minsup (2:15:18 AM): where do they go?
i r minsup (2:15:50 AM): and after wwatching hte matrix...if there were no spoon how did he bend it?
i r minsup (2:16:00 AM): i went thru the amking of the matrix..and they dont even mention the spoon!
i r minsup (2:17:53 AM): If someone got shot in the middle of the deserted desert, would it make a sound???
i r minsup (2:17:58 AM): Andy I need answers!!
JediAndyG (2:18:16 AM): well someone couldn't get shot in the middle of a deserted desert
JediAndyG (2:18:21 AM): because deserted emplies no one
JediAndyG (2:18:25 AM): and obviously he's there
i r minsup (2:18:29 AM): blah
JediAndyG (2:18:30 AM): barring semantics..
i r minsup (2:18:34 AM): im stoopid
JediAndyG (2:18:45 AM): the gun would still compress the air when it fired
JediAndyG (2:18:50 AM): so yes to the sound
JediAndyG (2:18:54 AM): now for the matric
JediAndyG (2:19:02 AM): "the spoon is not there"
i r minsup (2:19:31 AM): then how did it bend?
JediAndyG (2:21:19 AM): The kid came to the realization that the spoon wasn't really present in his hands, and there mere realization of this fact was shown in that it fell over on itself. It could not completely disappear, becaues this would violate the law of conservation of mass an energy the computer attempted to replicate in the matrix (agents could not spontaneously appear from nothing, they had to come from another human creation already within the matrix). Thus, the law of gravity and the other laws of energy were violated when the child made the connection that none of them were really there; they were all a simulation.Without them, the spoon could not hold its own, its particles separated, and it fell over on itself
i r minsup (2:22:12 AM): WTF..
i r minsup (2:23:30 AM): hmm..okay
i r minsup (2:23:35 AM): where do our farts go then? JediAndyG (2:24:01 AM): Farts? Well they are mainly composed of methane and other organic gases, so they just disperse in the atompshere.
JediAndyG (2:24:20 AM): Cow farts are being considered as possible sources of energy because of their high methane content
i r minsup (2:24:45 AM): hmm
i r minsup (2:24:45 AM): interesting...
And that is our retarded convo. I bet you're thinking John is a nerd thinking of retarded crap like that. Well FU! -_-
A picture of Andy...

hahahahaha!!! Just kidding...a real pic of him.

I ran about 10 errands for my mom today, adding to about 150-160 miles on my yujah. Ah...we went out and bought Sorry! and UNO and played for a little over a hour of both games. Two great games to keep our simple minds occupied all day. Well, church is in like 6 hrs...I better go to bed.
Saturday of June 1 of 2002
~Time is 5:59A.M.
Fixed website~!!!! Mess around with the boxes now..enlarge, move whateveR!! Saturday of June 1 of 2002
~Time is 5:23A.M.
Well you might be asking why am I up so late and updating? Well, me James Jane and Stefanie went to go see a late nite movie...12:20A.M...we saw Sum of All Fears. It was a great movie. Then...we broke our tradition and didnt go to IHOP or we decided to go to Kroger and have a $5 dollar budget. If we went over the 5$ budget, then we had to return something even though we had more money. We ended up buying like a HUGE box of Idaho Mash Potatoes, 3 Bean Burritos, and a bag of hash browns. We ate all the food except the mash potatoes. I know I'm gaining weight right befroe I hit L.A. where I don't need to be chubby. Lately, we eat a lot of food during early mornings, making numerous trips downstairs to cook up more food. In the process, we play retarded card games and go on each other screen names and mess around with people online really late.
Not a damn person online. I can hear the birds chirping and the little rays of light shine thru my blinds. My hands are soft and smooth after spending 30 minutes washing all the dishes that we had to use to make all that food. The mash potatoes pot took me about 20minutes, scrubbing with the metallic sponge and a toothbrush. Now, only chore I have left is to vacuum downstairs.
Errands, they suck...a string to owning your own car. I have to go and pick up a cake at Marble Slab for my dads party tomorrow. dad said if I cant drink whiskey for 5 seconds straight..he is gonna kick me out of the house, when I asked him if there will be lotz of soju and maekchu at his party. -_- I'm sure it'll be interesting, he has these elaborate parties every now and then, where my dad and his friends grill lots of food and eat outside under our balcony/porch. I guess our backyard will be more complete if my parents come around to get the money for our swimming pool. I don't want my parents to spend that kinda money though.
Well, Imma wash my face and go to sleep. Friday of May 31 of 2002
~Time is 12:43A.M.
Well, I turned into a video game nerd once again. I got a hold of a copy of Gran Turismo 3 and all I want to do is get all the fast cars. I've managed to get a RSX type S (secret car ^.^), NSX-R, Dodge Viper GTS, Lancer Evo VI, S2000 (465hp) w00t!, and some really old car at like 279hp. My goal is to get a rally car now, these run at like 300 grand+. However, I did get off my ass and play ball for about 3 hrs. After playing slow, tiring full court play, we split the 12 ppl there and made 4 - 3 man teams. I was teammed up with Joseph and Bo. Everyone was playing for gatorade, 4th place buying 1st place a 32oz and 3rd place buying 2nd place a 16oz. It was double eliminatin, meaning you lose twice, you're out. My team won both games and we ended up geting money for our gatorade. Most of the people left sicne they lost and didn't want to stay and watch us play. I had an unbelievable last game. I think I made 6 three-pointers to win the game. Robert (6'2 guy from Cordova HIgh b-ball team, who can dunk) scored all the inside points. Final score was 15-12, meaning we get the 32oz. Ahhh...What a nite. Well, I guess I'm off to more GT3 since no one IM'ed me while I was updating. Peace.
Tuesday May 28 of 2002
~Time is 11:52P.M
I am pissed once again! I let Joseph borrow my PS2 and now that he is back from CHicago Im expecting my PS2 back. I got two games, Extreme Toyko Racer Zero and Gran Turismo 3 and want to finish modding my shit, but NOOOOOOOOO! Lazy punk wont bring my PS2 or give me his address so James can pick it up on the way to my house. What a complete jackass. Sums up the ppl in Memphis. I hate Memphis. Damnit now that Eugene is grounded, me James and Gene cant have our Poker, Sorry!, Monopoly nights. BLAHHH we are pathetic!
Wow, I cant wait till I go out of town. June 26. 28 days to go. Such a long time. I'm hungry, I guess I'll eat more food and turn into a fatass again since im so bored. Isn't that what most people do when they are bored? Go and eat? Correct me if I'm wrong. Well, I'm off to cook me something greasy or that eats up a lot of time to make. PeaCe Wednesday May 22 of 2002
~Time is 9:46P.M.
Wow, my junior year is now officially finished. I’m so cheerful right now, even got to the point where I forced myself out of Daniel’s house and jog to the front gate and back (3miles+). I’m happy for Daniel right now. Ever since he hit up Bolton, he’s been getting a 3.5+ GPA. Fool is studying hard for his finals right now. Me on the other hand, I’m gonna kick back with Gene and James probably tonite. However, I do want to fix my website, but I think I’m going to alter the layout or start from scrap. I got Photoshop and Illustrator, so I sort of want to experiment with the programs and see what I can produce. More than likely, Eugene will construct something spectacular.
Well I just got my cut with the help of Daniel. The back is pretty jacked up. It's really hard cutting long hair to make it shorter, but not spikey short. Gel can't cover up the mistakes. Oh well, from the great red hairred kid at school, "The beauty of hair is that it always grows back." So who cares...not like I'm trying to impress anyone at the time being anyways. Well, gonna go out and eat..

Monday, May 20 of 2002
~Time is 2:15P.M

Just got done with Chemistry exam today. Got Math, English, and French left, w00t! Got exempt from History and Government since I managed to pass with an A in an AP course. ^.^

Tomorrow I put on my spoiler, paint should be dry by then. Why can't Memphis have RSX's like these...

And for RSX of the month...! I don't even consider this as a>

That's all for now..I'm going to take a nap...Lakers game at 8:30.

Monday, May 12 of 2002
~Time is 10:16P.M

In my opinion, Spider-Man was a great movie. I'm glad it broke office box records and reached 200 million faster than Star Wars Episode I in 9 days, which Stars Wars took 13, I believe. It's been almost a week since I've last updated. I took the AP US History exam last Friday, mofo took 3-4 hours to take. I hope I did well, at least a 3. Ah, I just did a page of French translations for French 3, only a week of French left and English with my devil teacher with the annoying, screeching voice that wreeks havoc in my soul. Last week of classes, then exams. Whoohoo!!! L.A. here I come! ^.^ When is my lazy ass gonna get a haircut? HaHa, Eugene's hair is a trip...Wonder if I can get a pic of it

Hope you fool's got your mom's gifts for Mother's Day...

Ah, yes, last night...what a great experience...I'm at Malco Majestic...which has now overrun by blacks who vandalize and ruin the recently built theater. They have no respect for any movies, the people watching the movie, and themselves. It's ridiculous how they stroll back and forth in their shitty 2G cars with a 500$ system playing their dirty south music, while giving glares, attempting to initimidate the non-black community. I just laugh. I wish Eugene still had his system to show them who has the true shit. What really pisses me off is that 3 black girls say "Chi Chang whala Ching bang chinese boy" on my way to the bathroom. And when I look at them..they try to hide their faces and start laughing after I walk off...I dont understand that...these are ppl whose families make incomes off welfare or whatever..who bitch about their struggles and the inequality of America, the racism, the racism while doing nothing productive of their lives and have their bitchass Jesse Jackson fuck do all their national bitching and then try to offend me for being an Asian? They are a f'ing minority too!!! It's like me calling another asian guy a "gook" "chink" ... how insecure are they. I don't know, I just hate how they whine about how they have less resources then asians and whites. I dont like how they put asians and whites at the same level. Like I have to get a 31, as does a white person to get a full ride to UTK, while a black guy w/ the same GPA can get a 26. My ass would be going to UTK for free if I wanted to. Well, I guess we get punished for being the model minority...

Well, I'm sick of my bickering. I'm gonna go write my speech for English class. Peace.

Monday, May 6 of 2002
~Time is 9:46P.M.

Wow, it's been over a week since I last updated, I've completely lost track of this site and haven't updated. 13 days of school left, including exams. w00t! Only 4 exams to take during exam week. I got AP History exam this Friday nad the Government exam next Wednesday, I'm totally screwed. I brought up all my grades and I shouldnt have any C's this quarter, thank God.

My Type R spoiler doesn't ship till next Monday, the 13th. pssh..can't wait. I've adjusted to the crappy v1.4...I'm ranked like 3-5 now in CS. ::sigh:: oh wellz. Eugene comes to town tomorrow, lucky ass out of school already. sucks, one more paper to write and I am home free. No more sutdying for me left. Mavs/Kings game is back on, later.

Sunday, April 28 of 2002
~Time is 10:40P.M

OMG...clubrsx has crazy pics! I found another pic. This is the response to a guy who drives a WRX who was posting pics of himself and his car (he was wearing a wifebeater and is skinnier than a Solmolian? spelling)

Oh wow..these pictures make my day

Sunday, April 28 of 2002
~Time is 10:29P.M

LoLz..! I came across the funniest picture. Now, this is one of the greatest examples of white ppl tryin' to act black. It's a pitiful example...wanna be thug crackheads...Here it is!

I just had to update my page and post that pic. It's great! Later~

Sunday, April 28 of 2002
~Time is 7:52P.M

I'll try to restrain myself from cursing. Today, I overslept and wasn't able to go to church. I just played Counter-strike, watched the tripleheader, and lifted weights A LOT today. I haven't taken a shower yet and I was sweating a lot while lifting weights. My parents constantly complain how the family doesn't eat dinner together and blah blah. So as I was doing some review for History, my parents call me and say to go eat dinner with them. Thinking of their compliant, I agree and go downstairs to eat. Well, after lifting all those weights and not taking my morning shower, my dad decides to unleash his temper and start demoralizing and finally says either he leaves the table or I do, he smells like SHIT! I don't have an appetite anymore, I hope I starve and die. I love how he says I'm his only son and he will do his best for me. Also, says 75 degress is good weather and no need for me to run A/C in my room. Someone like me can't study when it's hot. I'm picky about my studying environment and I can perform to the max with the perfect settings, and my house is not that setting.

Damn, I'm starting to hate weekends. I do nothing. I don't have much of a life. I'm glad my hyung Ed called from Cali and wants me and Daniel to hit up Cali this summer. I wonder if the wild side of me will get loose. I'm going to have to avoid those egotistical bitches though. I can't wait till my car parts come in. I think I'll install the intake myself since I heard it takes the first timer about 6-7hrs to install. That'll take up a whole Saturday.

Still no ACT score! I got some package from UNC though. I really wish I could go there. Everyone tells me it's impossible to get in and I shouldn't bother to apply, but I'm just gonna waste my $55 and pray I get lucky. Damn, Nas-One Mic is a really good song, I recommend everyone to download it. IM me and I'll upload it to you. Well, I'm just gonna eat these Oreos on my desk and watch Kenshin the Movie.

Saturday, April 27, of 2002
~Time is 11:45P.M

I pray for the death of Counter-strike. I believe...last Wednesday, the creators of CS decided to make an update and they disabled bunny-hopping (jumping really fast side to side so it's harder for the enemy to hit you), disabled the enemy from hearing radio calls, adn they made the hitbox (the box around the head for headshots) really big. Now, they made it NEWBIE friendly and most of you guys probably don't care, but this pissses me off so much. My whole strategy is from jumping in the air while aiming and nailing ppl while they are struggling to keep up with me. Now, I'm back learning this game all over, adjusting to the new style of aiming and gameplay. It's ridiculous. Oh well, I guess I can focus more on school and other crap...

Magic lost, Jazz lost, Sonics lost, Pistons lost. All four teams I was going for lost. What an awful day for playoff watching for me. That's all I did. Woke up at 12:30 and watched the Magic game all the way through the Pistons game with a little Counter-strike and eating here and there. Someone do my research papers and work for History. PLEEAZEE.

All my friends got their ACT scores back, but how come I haven't got mine back? Could it be I did so bad they just didn't send it or maybe I answered everything correct and they had to hand grade it? If it was the latter, I would HONESTLY kiss everyone. Fat, ugly, hispanic, 1 eye balled, anyone. A 36 on the ACT would be having a Modena 360 in my garage as I dreadfully head out the door to go to school.

I guess I'll watch some anime that Eugene says is so f'ing great. I lost interest in watching anime =/ Maybe there will be something good so I don't have to waste all my time on the new, unsubstantial CS.

Thursday, April 25, of 2002
~Time is 9:55P.M.

Just updating. I fixed my computer after it broke Saturday night after this dumbass kid opened up my computer and tried to fix it, only to damage about half the internals. Celtics are 2-0 in 1st round, I hope they are the Eastern Conference Champions and go against the Lakers. I dont know who I want to win. I got a ton of school work to do in the final weeks left. I got a 4 on the 1996 AP Exam. I'm really impressed with myself, not many people in my class got a 4 or 5, majority being in the 2's. I'll love to take a full college credits entering college, even though I doubt I'll be going anywhere great. Three people got their ACT scores today, why not me? I wish I would get mine back soon, I hope I see a 28+. I would kiss every human I see for the next year if I score that high. Honestly, do you think I would kiss you if I saw you?

The Lakers vs Blazers game is on, and I need to do some homework, so PeaCe~ Sunday, April 21 of 2002
~Time is 11:31P.M.

I am pissed off beyond belief. As I was typing how fuckin mad I was about society and the shit that has happened to me in my life, the power decides to off for a fuckin split second and all my work goes to shit. I love how everything tends to fuck me over. I guess I’ll speak my mind again. You know I can’t even think properly. I don’t know where to start. I hate all this politically correct crap. I hate it. I want to give the finger to almost ever fucker whose given me shit, and give them a kick to the junk and watch them scream in agony. I hate how people try to impress the dumbass next to him/her. The way people use an elaborate vocabulary to confuse/impress someone. Why? And the fact some people are actually impressed at their usage of words that the person earns respect in some form. Koreans especially have a HUGE problem trying to live up to expectations. I had problems trying to live up to everyone’s viewpoints of me and changing them or keeping them. My parents are worried about every damn step I take that it may lead me to the “evil pits of hell.” I hate all that shit. I look back and all the pitiful attempts of me trying to live my shitty life to someone’s expectations and I hate how I wasted all that time. I won’t be successful unless I screw someone else over. I been screwed over so many times in my life, just a second ago I was typing all this shit and in my closing and the power decided to go out. I mean I should be ranked 9-12 but I’m ranked 26. I tell you my story, which you shouldn’t care about, but you listen and tell me it’s just my mentality and laugh at my face. I nice FUCK YOU to your sorry ass. I can’t be successful, when I think, my head decides to hurt. I don’t know why, but it does, and most of the people reading this shit won’t believe me. Most people think I’m just fuckin joking, but it’s true. So if I do something better in school than you without any “critical” thinking, then you are a complete dumbass. Wow, that’s so fuckin laughable. I can think of so many people who I am actually smarter than, and they struggle to be smart. They take all these hard classes, stress themselves out, and go out brag about what they taking, only to be making a B, C, or whatever, I doubt they make A’s if it’s hard as they make it up to be. I could care less what I make on my report card. I mean my rank is shitty enough, I made a disgraceful 25 two times in a row on the ACT, fucked over enough for my crappy rank, wouldn’t you be as bitter as me? Damnit, I can’t remember what I said before the damn power went off, I don’t want my head to hurt. I guess I’ll talk about my ass more. Ah yes, so after I do that shitty in school, will I go into a prestigious college as the people before me? Will I go to one of the top colleges in America like my mom did in Korea? I highly doubt it, I’m scared of rejection from Champaign. I see myself at UTK, only to be surrounded by a bunch of white trash and never see a yellow human. Maybe it’ll be full of people like me, who realized that being knowledgeable about bullshit is pointless? Who knows, school is a waste of my time. Especially if I make good grades, only to be looked down upon because I go to fuckin Briarcrest. Motherfuckers are blind, and don’t know shit. All schools are easy as fuck, and teachers is a word that should be changed to officer. All they do is follow some code of education and enforce the codes. No one teaches me shit. No one knows how to teach, talkin’ verbatim from a book won’t teach dumbasses like me. Especially when it doesn’t catch my attention. I guess I’m slowly not be afraid to speak my mind, I don’t know if I can do it. But I’m sick of being afraid, society made me like this, and I hate it. I heard all this bullshit about Asians going insane over the damn Abercrombie issue (the dumb shirts). They say some racial remarks? I don’t know, but I’m somewhat offended, but it’s only because society made me feel offended. However, now, I say good fuckin job A&F! Let them print what fuckin shirts they want, at least they aren’t scared as your ass who is afraid to call a white guy cracker or a black guy nigger. Oh, you might offend someone!! Let’s go hide or try to sound like an intellectual. Political correct bullshit, I hate it. I hate affirmative action and Jesse Jackson. I hate them because they whine like a fuckin baby, when I say they, I’m referrin’ to niggers and spics. I don’t hate all black people, but I gotta use that word even though I don’t want to, but I don’t want be to contradicting what I said earlier. The slavery issue from 150 years ago is crap, that is the most PATHETIC excuse to use, the lack of resources bullshit, wow it’s so degrading to their culture. I guess Asians can’t get any benefits like that since we are stereotyped as smart, but I don’t see that many smart people that are Asian. I see myself as dumb, I bet I’ll read back on this and laugh at the poor usage of words, how awful I’m trying to make the point I want to make. Who cares right? ^.^ Life sucks, and I guess I’m going to have to deal with it.

By the fuckin way, I’m using my sister’s computer, which I had to spend about a hour to fix after someone was suppose to fix it, and didn’t do a full job. BUT! My parents had some people over who brought their children, who fuckin opened up my computer b/c they weren’t aware of the tedious process my computer has to go through to make it work, and they fucked up my computer COMPLETELY. Now, after already spending 3 hrs and buying a new, 140$ video card, I have to fix my computer which was working perfectly before the dumbshits opened up my computer. Wow, that pisses me off! I don’t even have privacy? They even called someone on my phone, and I had to talk to them explain it wasn’t me calling. They opened up all my PS2 games and took out all the CDS and were playing Metal Gear Solid with the TV at the volume of 32 while my ass was sleeping. I don’t believe it! I’m asleep and they savage thru my shit and have the TV up that loud? Damn so irritating!

I doubt people read this far, but I hope you just don’t misunderstand me. Maybe I’ll write something more happy...later.

With that, I go and express my anger with more people and eat my bag of oreos.

Thursday, April 18 of 2002
~Time is 5:54

Wow, it's been forever since I updated. Sorry. Youth Leg was four days long and I had so many makeup tests. I wonder if I'll ever get straight A's again. I guess it's impossible with all the classes I'm taking this year. I guess I'm happy now. I'm not really stressed out, only when I die countlessly in Counterstrike. I am somewhat nostalgic about the old days, where I just had to be in class and accounted for, and not make grades that effect your GPA. Oh well, I took a World War II test without knowing about the test today, I think I only missed 15 out of the first 50, which isn't that bad for an AP test. Ah, today, Part II of the food eating contest. Dan beat Justin last Tuesday in cupcakes. Of course, Justin wants a rematch, haha. That's right, a skinny korean kid like me is in the match. I'm challenging Dan, the champion so far. I want real food, no sweet foods, I'm thinking McDonald 49 cent cheeseburgers. I'll eat 10 of those easily, I got a strategy in mind too. I don't think we got the money to buy 20 cheeseburgers per person.

Music has changed my life. They either give me something to do or alter my perceptions of life. Normally, just rappin' along with Jay Z, Eminem, WarrenG, etc. my mindset gets free, and I find myself tryin' to write my own lyrics. I'm a poor writer, so I'll keep my lyrics to myself. I wonder what the hell Pi is. I did someone dervive with the value of Pi? Someone give me an explanation, 2minutes at the longest. My attention span doesn't go over that. Well, long distance team for Briarcrest got whooped again. Yesterday, three Harding guys did an Indian run where the guy in the back would run to the front, and so on. They all 3 ran a 2 mile a little over 11min15seconds. I ran a 12min55sec. I got lapped. How pathetic. Me and a senior are pretty upset, so we pushed ourselves pretty hard in practice. We are practicing that Indian run technique in practice, it seems to be really effective. Too bad we don't really train or push ourselves in practice, I guess that's why we don't do too hot in long distance. Aarom Simms is a freakin' god in track, I've never seen someoen run as fast or jump as far as Aaron. He drives a BMW m3 too. ::sigh::

I haven't had a free Saturday forever. This Saturday, I plan to get my sleep in. I did sleep 8hrs yesterday. I saw something called "That 80's Show" and there is some goofyass asian kid on hte show who burns his ugly hair. Hair, that reminds me, my hair is hella shaggy right now. I'm too lazy to cut my hair, even go get a haircut. I have my suitcase from Youth Leg sitting in my room full of dirty clothes. It's been 3 days since I got back and I havent attempted to wash them. At least my reflexes aren't dying. I was crossing an intersection, and this dumbass UPS driver almost hits my beautiful car. All I know is if someone hits me, I'll get a Type S or a better car, so as long as no one gets hurt, I would love someone to hit me and I get a faster car. I'm grateful for my RSX right now though. How many people drive a nice car when they only 16?

My sinuses are killing me. I use about 30 kleenexs a day. How many kleenexs are in a box, 120? Well, I need to do some homework, it's 6:07. Blah, school starts in less than 2hrs. Two more days. Guys, we need to do something Friday, seriously.

Thursday, April 11 of 2002
~Time is 7:52AM

Well, I leave to go to Nashville in 2 hours. I'm not that excited, considering how it's probably going to be a room full of people smarter than me, hopefully not, but full of pompous jackasses who think they know it all. Well, I'm very for the legalization of marijuana and I learned a lot about Cannabis sativia. Don't get the idea I'm some drug addict. I slept 11 hours last nite, so I didn't update yesterday. Track is getting pretty tough, we are running intervals. I'm not use to sprinting as hard as I can for 1-2minutes at a time and taking a 1-5minute break. I understand how the 400m people are when they have to run that dreadful 1 lap. However, I don't think they know how it feels to run 8 laps around hte track and running 16 for practice. I don't care, track isn't my sport, I'm just getting in better shape for basketball.

Yesterday, I had an interesting conversation with this girl at school. We talked for over a hour, I think. Normally, I don't talk that long except with a few other people, but the convo was pretty funny, but interesting. Only thing I didn't like was the fact she's a lot smarter than me, I hate talking to people smarter than me and feel inferior. It's so demoralizing.

Almost 8 and I havent even finished packing. I don't know how Im going to function in a suit 24/7. I need to burn a new mix before I leave. I wish they had a court to ball on...

Well, this wasn't much of an update, but I'll catch you guys Sunday nite. Maybe I'll see a computer with internet in Nash. and talk with a few of you guys. Of course I'll be callin' a few of you guys. No way I can function with people I'm not that close with for 4 days straight. I wonder how I'm going to stay in decent shape and not eat just junk food. Oh yeah, Paul is going, too bad he is a Lobbyist or a lawyer? I forget. I'm in the Red Senate. At least I'll kick ass in the debates if I get the chance, better yet, share my knowledge to a great speaker and let him represent me. I'm very shy, nervous when it comes to "performing" in front of a large audience. I could never become a performer, entertainer of anykind. Time to shower and pack.

Tuesday, April 9 of 2002
~Time is 7:55PM

Lieutenant Brandon Scott decided to visit his former high school and allow us to ask a bunch of questions. This guy is amazing and is living life. He stopped by my Government and History class, which are really undersized and basically we just learned a lot about the REAL Fighter Pilot experience, none of that BS Behind Enemy Lines crap. I don’t know, if my dreams of being a medical doctor become too disillusioned, then I’ll just enroll as an OSC and train. It would be tight to be a Navy Seal, but I don’t think I could meet their physical requirements. Ahhh, lucky Steven, Lt. Scott painted, I’m paraphrasing here, “From Steven *** at Briarcrest,” something of that nature.

Well, one more day of school and I’m off to Youth Legislature. However, I’m fairly frightened of embarrassment because our school is nowhere near organized. Oh well, I’ll be ready to debate on affirmative action, which I’m against, but pro for the legalization of marijuana. I’m going to debate passionately, all out, maybe I’ll win some award. I’m sure I’ll have a great time and learn a lot.

Well, I know I got some loyal readers ^.^ Here is proof
tough gurl 5 (7:04:34 PM): oh yeah..i checked out yer webpage a lot..haha nice
tough gurl 5 (7:05:36 PM): yea i like read everything you write

Well, my aunt’s birthday party is today, I wonder how old she will become. I have another Chemistry test tomorrow. Too bad I won’t study for that jacked up class and the twisted minded teacher. Wait, calling her a teacher would be an understatement. She’s more like … uhh…

Oh yeah
To Lisa, who isn't fickle about her thoughts and isn't blurry thinking the world revolves around her. Thank you for calming me through my troubled times. Of course you too Daniel and you others that help me. And a nice FU to the haters.

Monday, April 8 of 2002
~Time is 8:44PM

Ugh..these days I've been flirting with the "immoral" things. I know I should be avoiding all this crap, but I'm a weak human. I have a frightening temper, a few know this. I've done a very good job at school in keeping my emotions within, but all this anger that's building up inside needs to be released soon. There are so many pompous pricks at my school, who just love giving me shit everyday. I mean I welcome friendly criticism about my website, but you got fuckers like Rahija talkin' smack about my site, WTF? First off, why is this little 110ib, arrogant small white fuck talkin' like he's so big? Evidentally, the little shit has too much time to be reading up on my site just to criticize it at school. I'm sick of this dog eating shit too. I know a lot of you guys out there are too. College acceptance is coming around, I soon will won't be watched over and have to worry about anything that would devastate my resime. I'll leave my mark on these arrogant fucks. They'll remember me forever. If you don't want to read my journal-style page, which that's what it is currently, but I'll slowly advance my page to better things.

Other than these idiots treatin' me like dirt and trying to hide their racism, my day has been great. When I use the word "white" I'm not implying it to all the caucasians, and don't think I'm a hardcore racist, I like a lot of people, but I gotta say it b/c there is some racism in me. I chilled with Reid and Steven after school. They both got nice stereo equipment and probably going to be installin' their nice equipment tomorrow. We went to the greatest sub shop afterwards, you guys know, Lenny's Sub Shop. Yummy.

Going to Youth Legislature this Thursday in Nashville. Hopefully, I can see some of you Nashville guys this week, I really wanna ball and show you guys my improved shot. Too bad Briarcrest is not prepared at all. Apathy gets the best of all of us... Well, off helping my sister rearrange her room and some more Counter-Strike. I should study since I have a D+ in Chemistry...

Sunday, April 7 of 2002
~Time is 11:46PM

Boring day. I ate a lot of food at my aunt's house though. A lot of Counter-strike of course. We didn't get to ball after church today, I hope our tradition of ballin' doesn't die out. I love the game of basketball, I wish it was my life and I had hopes of playing college ball. I had little homework this weekend. I just finished my two essays for AP Government. (AP?!?!? OHH John takes AP? Yup! ::what a nerd::) Well, James, I hope you find a date to the prom. I'm sure those fine chinese girls will be great ^_^ I want the girl at Corky's...ahhhh or the one that goes to Hutchison? St. Mary's? I dont know. I hope next year I'm not in your situation, and have a yujah. =/ Well, it's late, I need sleep. This is going to be a long week. Daniel your mom better be out of town again...

Saturday, April 6 of 2002
~Time is 9:51PM

Well, I took the ACT today. It wasn't too bad, I think I did decent, better than a 25 hopefully. Today was pretty boring, lame. I did eat at Snow Garden. I bet it's been a long time since everyone ate there. Paul decided to take me, halmuhni (Grandma), and Daniel out for dinner. We ordered cha jang muen, chang pong, sweet&sour chicken, mondu. I think the total was pretty high, plus the $10 tip. If waitresses were all like the ones at Snow Garden, people would be less reluctant in going to resturants. Sorry, for those who read my site today and I just stopped writing. I don't even know why I left in the first place...

Wow, I became a gaming addict all over; the core of my imperfection which created my metabolism to slow down. That means gaming made me fat. Today, I played Jacob in Starcraft, something he plays frequently. I haven't played this game for at least a year and I whooped him ruthlessly. Also, if you guys go to that COunter-Strike website, you'll see that I got 357 more skill points than the rank 2 guy. Takes most people 1-2 days to get that many skill points, I got that in less than 2 hours ^.^ Pitiful how good I am at computer games, something that'll never assist me in this competitive world.

If I keep up with this gaming habit, I'll end up failing (C's are equivalent to failing to me,) gain weight, and who knows what else, lose vision, posture, etc. Although, I don't think I can allow myself to gain too much weight. I don't think anyone who use to be overweight, can transform into their past appearance. Honestly, I don't think anyone could, unless they tried. Even for me, if I eat excessively, I can sense my body saying, "Workout!" It's a 6th sense for the "transformed" people, seriously. A lot of people are losing weight these days. Look at my church youth group, people are losing weight rapidly. I think it's really unhealthly, but my opinion doesn't matter. Obviously, I didn't starve myself and vomited any "extra" food. I'm getting more and more atheltic day by day ^.^ friend, Miles got excommunicated!!! Even though he isn't Cathloic, but in an essence, he was! I believe he goes to a Presbyterian (I dont know how to spell) church, but one night, he and his girlfriend went to her friend's house and spent the night there. However, his girlfriends mom found out somehow and called the church, assuming Miles and the girl did some "flithy" stuff. So...Mile's youth pastor calls him and asks him not to come to church anymore. Kinda jacked up shit isn't it? Kid was happy with his girl too...

Friday, April 5 of 2002
~Time is 6:22PM

Whoo..Another hectic week over with. Today, Chemistry and History proved to be two difficult tests. I can't believe I got a 76 in Chemistry, not sure what my grade is in History. Oh yeah, I forgot about a Vocabulary Test, got a 27/30 after only a few minutes of studying. Now, all that remains, is the dreadful ACT. Pray that I'll get a higher score than last time please. I really wanted to go out tonite, and get some stress out. My parents would go insane if I went out tonite =/
How is it that korean girls are so shy, well most of them, when they are around my age? But as they mature, they are full of energy and very confident, especially ahjuhmas. They can say, "Wha...nuhmoo jal saeng gi da!" and you are like..."eww..okay old lady." Girls my age never say that, unless they are a crazy caucasian -_- I love Alice DeeJay. Few more songs and I got a nice mix to listen to on the way to the ACT center tomorrow.
McDonalds is using a laughable strategy to "woo" more girls to their large hamburger chain. They are selling 8 inch $50 dolls to attract girls? I don't understand this marketing strategy, and I don't care to understand.
I can't get the ACT off my mind. I really desire that 29-30 and enroll at Champaign. I keep stumbling, get distracted easily. I use to be apathetic towards anything school-related. Now? I see other guys getting accepted into their colleges, hearing who is in the top 20, receiving thousands of college letters, etc. Maybe this fear of the ACT will allow me to perform better tomorrow. I've gone in taking the ACT and not caring what I get, and I get a 25. I care ALOT now. That's not even a 70. I FAILED the ACT in other words. It's pitiful. I failed a National Standardized test. I know many of you don't see the ACT scoring process like me, but I want at least a 27, and pass. I hope I'll be successful, attend a respectable college. Hopefully, I won't end up like these goofy nincompoops...

At least that got whoppin' 1 mulepower. Well, I skipped track second day in a row now after that devasting defeat against the kid from Bartlett who ran the 2 mile in 10m10sec. Im going to eat, gain some much needed weight and watch "The One" with Jet Li in it. DOWN WITH THE ACT!!!

Thursday, April 4 of 2002
~Time is 1:42AM

Wow, I just read a book called Night. Pretty sick material on the persecution of the Jews during World War II. "Soldiers throwing babies in the air as targets to practice aim." ::shrugs:: I guess that explains why Jews are selfish bastards right now. I'm really surprised people actually go to my site, reading the jibberish or not, but still I got I'm thinking 5-8 people reading my page. ^.^
I'm sure you guys know Ming and his friend, who made the group "MiNoRiTy." Imma have to say their stuff is tyte. If you guys want some of their mp3's, I'll gladly upload you guys their songs.
No more college basketball, just the bull known as the NBA. I wonder whats gonna motivate me to play ball now, maybe if i watch Kobe or Iverson do some crazy stuff on the court, I'll want to get up and dribble a ball. My shot is crazy these days, but I can't dribble and move as quick as I use to. I know the pains in my neck and back are preventing me from performing at my best, but I don't think I'll ever reach a level that I'll be satisfied with.
These days have been pretty lonely. I don't really chat with that many people anymore. It's 1:46 right now. Nobody to talk with. I guess I get to talk to myself writing this journal-type thing. Memphis is just a pathetic place to live. Nowhere is it really vivacious unless you're over 21, or doing some illegal crap. My weekends are going to be crap for 3 weeks, all relating to schoolwork. Someone move to Memphis!!Hmm...Jacob I hope you don't get mad, but Imma put your sorry self on my page. Here is a sample pic of him from his website.

I put a small pic of him, he has more pics of him at
Well, time to read about the United States from 1914-World War II. Who else thinks Chemistry is pointless or taking Chemistry in High School is pointless? I'm absolutely sure it's not going to be the same in college. I love how schools "attempt" to prepare for college. I'm sure I'll be one of those people who will drop/fail out of college after a semester with my work ethic. I wish I had more time to do some ACT practice tests. My dream going to Champaign seems to be fading more and more. If I get in, I don't deserve it. I probably won't get into Unv.of Texas - Austin either. Possibly, I'll get into Indiana and Maryland, nice ball schools ^.^ I wonder if they are located in the boonies. UTK is always the backup. Honestly, I'll commit suicide if I have to live in Knoxville with a bunch of drunk rednecks...I don't see how Eugene hyung handles it in Knoxville. Well, maybe I'll score a 5 on my AP history exam this May. Back to the books, I spent 15 minutes on this update. Again, I don't think I'm spending enough time and expressing my thoughts thoroughly. Hopefully, I'll learn to be prose.

Wednesday, April 3 of 2002
~Time is 6:46

Grr...track was frustrating today. A kid at Bartlett High ran the 2 mile in 10minutes and 5 seconds. I thought my 12min30sec was decent, but evidently I'm nowhere near a Regional/State contender. This kid almost lapped me twice, which is pathetic on my part, to be lapped period is pathetic. I know I dont push myself hard enough in practice, but I don't think I'm receiving the proper training, along with a few other guys who feel the same way. I'm so demoralized after today.
I coded that dumb, irritating counter to see if I had any viewers, and obviously, I have a few readers out there ^.^ Thanks. I need to hit the books a lot tonight. I'm gonna sleep soon, and wake up with no one being online. At least the week is flying by really fast.
Did you guys know there is a Jedi religion? There are actually people who worship those Star Wars personalities, spirits? I don't know what to call them. However, it's a great comedy, if you guys read up on it. Also, with the Jews bombarding the Palestinians, they decided to display pornography on all their channels 24/7 to "torture" the Palestinian children. The children aren't able watch TV, since watching porno is like an absolute sin to them. I don't know, I find that hilarious. I know a lot of you guys would love to be in Pakistan right now ^.^ h0h0. Well, I'll try to make a better update after I wake up.

Monday, April 1 of 2002
~Time is 11:53

Grr...another update for those who are stoopid! When I said that I own an Integra myself, I'm just talking in Euro, Japanese lingo. The Integra was renamed only to meet Acura's car initiative to call all their models by three letter names. Therefore, when they made the 4th generation model of the Integra, they renamed it RSX! Hope that clear some things up to the few readers I got =/
I'm not just referrin' to you Eunice, so don't get angry!

Monday, April 1 of 2002
~Time is 11:28

I had no school today. It was pretty great, woke up at 1PM, and ate so I can someday attain my dream height of 6’2. Also, I had a lot of time to play Counter-Strike, even though I play when I should be studying. that’s the URL to check stats, check who is number 1 ^.^
Today was April Fool’s Day. However, no one nor did I really bother to endeavor in deceiving someone except Suddie. He instant messages me saying that someone keyed his beautiful Integra GSR. Of course, being an Integra owner myself, I was shocked, traumatized! Only to be told April Fool’s! Here is a pic of Suddie’s nice GSR. It’s sad that a goofy like me, didn’t play any malicious tricks anyone. ::Sigh:: today was about the only day I could have gotten my windows tinted, but my lazy self couldn’t wake up early enough to get them tinted.
Currently, that’s how naked my car looks. Hopefully, I’ll get the windows tinted, install an Injen Short Ram Intake and a JDM Type R replica wing on it. If anyone wishes to donate me money to drop the car and get an exhaust, I’ll accept enthusiastically.
Indiana lost to Maryland. I really hate Juan Dixon now. They killed Indiana by 15 pts tonight. I know a lot of people were rooting for Indiana, knowing their chances of winning were very marginal. Sucks. Good thing I didn’t bet with this ahjuhshi at church for $50! I wouldn’t be able to get an intake or something if I had made the gamble. I need to finish “Perils of Prosperity,” prepare for a test tomorrow, and answer some questions on the book. I didn’t whine or express any thoughts today. Oh well, hope you guys have a great week.

Sunday, March 31 of 2001
~Time is 10:05

Happy Easter!

Hope you guys had a great Easter Sunday. It's really sad that I only truely recognize Jesus's sacrifice only during this weekend. Not that I don't remember Jesus dying, but I dont acknowledge or thank Him in my prayers everyday. I guess I'm going to attempt to thank Him for His sacrifice and not pray for materialistic entities. All in all, I wish to be a better Christian.

I feel like my entries sound rather pointless. Give me some ideas,for those who actually read these entries. Tell me what you want, I don't want to get too personal and write about every thought I have.

Maybe you guys like basketball? I played today, actually played great. I got comments like, "What happened to you?" "Wow, John really improved!" My shot seems to fall through the basket when I kick my right foot out when I jump for the shot. I don't know why, but if my dribbling skills were better, I think I would make a decent basketball player. Nashville guys: I can't wait to hoop you guys out when all the Memphis guys are there, and maybe we can play some fair ball with equal heights? At least you guys don't talk smack (like a few punks I know in Nash.)

Hi Lisa ^.^

Well...I got ACT this Saturday, I should do some practice tests. Also, I need to read "Perils of Prosperity, 1914-32" by Tuesday. No school tomorrow. w00t! Off to read and study. Hope I didn't waste TOO much of your time.

Sunday, March 31 of 2001
~Time is 12:58

Sup guys. Today I opened my page. I want to thank Shiwon hyung for doing 99.9% of this webpage. He got some skillz huh?

Also, I need to recognize Eugene Ahn hyung, who somewhat stimulated me in making a page similar to the page he created.

Who is Natalie Imbruglia? I happen to stumble on her everywhere: on top my buddy list, my web host, even heard her name on the radio. I’m assuming she’s one of those awful, pitiful pop singers. Anyways, Kansas lost to Maryland (97-88). Marylands Juan Dixon (33 pts tonight) is amazing, Someday, I wish I could run-and-gun like Dixon, but I still hate him for being so good and contributing to the defeat of Kansas.

Most of the people reading my site live in Tennessee; aren’t you guys sick of this state? Warning: Most of my entries will be either whining or expressing my thoughts of the day. Anyhow, how many of us are at home spending our time aimlessly on the computer? Either I am strictly a bore or everyone just doesn’t want to admit they too spend a lot of time at home. There is no problem to just staying home, but I am not socializing like a “healthy” person should. Rather, I am busy playing Counter-Strike or pitifully attempting to get “well-built.” I guess it’s better than us going out getting drunk and doing a bunch of crap we’d regret in the future.

As I have a second look at what I just entered in as my first entry, I don’t even understand what I’m trying to say. I don’t want to envision what you guys are thinking of my awful writing skills. I promise I’ll write something more appealing. For now, my body tells me to go to sleep. PeaCe