Welcome to the L-Team website, yet another one of our homes on the world wide web. The L-Team is the worlds best superhero team still around (where'd the Justice League go huh?). Their powers are unmatched and unequaled around the world. The L-Team consists not only of Frekin Awesome Superheroes (FAS) but of our humble and loyal Staff who serve the FAS (under the "You Better" Contract). Following the L-Team wherever they go is the L-Team Fan Club, yes a real fan club, who wouldn't want to stalk the L-Team? Interested? You should be, if not click here. Check out the links for further information on the "L-TEAM"!

New Updates!
October 28, 2002 - First update. I have added a link, as you can see, to the left side of the New Updates! table. It goes to another one of our belove L-Team sites, the first one actually, click the frekin link sometime before you leave, ok? I have also added profiles (warning: they are...well, if you're easily offended try to stay away from the profiles...)to the Staff section, only 3 are available so far but thats plenty for right now, dont get all greedy, sheesh. Anything else? Some people are actually using the Message Board, which is good, cause at least I know I didn't put it up for nothing now. If you haven't signed our guestbook, sign it damnit. Well thats it for updates. Hope to see all of you on Halloween. Go L-Team!

October 26, 2002 - Behold, yet another L-Team home is found on the World Wide Web. This is the Angelfire Headquarters of the L-Team. Welcome, if youre lost and you didn't want to go here it's not because it was a mistake, this site has willed you in to checking out our beloved L-Team.



L-Team Site

Check out the other L-Team "affiliate" site or other L-Team site for you wols people out there.

Contact i

Want to email me? No. I refuse to accept email from people I dont know, leave me alone damnit. It's really important? You need it? Well, fine, sheesh. It'sOnliner2@msn.com, be nice with it.

All Pictures And Information Is Copyrighted by L-Team (FAS) 2002©