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Well-endowed both in mind and in body, you don't hesitate to use both to your advantage! Your confidence and sense of humour make you a pleasure to be around. You're crafty, clever and cute - a formula that would bring any man to his knees! But while your wit and charisma are definite assets, others may not be able to keep up with your resourceful intelligence. Take care not to overwhelm people with your treasures.
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Lifelike Intelligent Neohuman Designed for Sabotage and Accurate Yardwork
Your Boa Theme Song is...
Elephant - You are upbeat, imaginitive, and you aren't afraid to dream.
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Monday, February 24th, 2003 5:54 PM EST

It's sure been awhile since I've last written in this, I find weird times to update things don't I? Like for instance: when I have a paper do in the morning.. ugh! Well here's the thing...

I'm listening to Ani DiFranco and I'm in a mellow, "I feel like shit" mood. I did something that's left me both ashamed and ultamitely relieved. how can you be relieved if you're ashamed? That's what I'm trying to figure out...

I've been silently hurting for a few years now and I'm tired of being a "push-over" just because I try not to hold grudges, I let things go, I swallow my pride and let things go... and then it just comes like a huge tsuinami(sp?) and it all floods back to me.

without mentioning names or details... I finally lashed out on this person I know. I don't know whether to call him a friend or what b/c I'm so confused. I don't know if I want to talk to him or not. Part of me does, but then part of me says "hell no" b/c he doesn't deserve it...? I'm sorry for the way I handled things, but then, with my back in a corner, how was I supposed to handle it? Anyway, more later... back to my paper b/c it's my brother's b-day today and I still have to write my oral report to go with it...

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