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What had started out as a walk in the forest seems just a dim memory.

Thunder and lightning crack around you and seem to tear the night sky apart.

You step slowly up to the door.

You reach out and turn the door knob. As you slowly push the door open it squeaks on its hinges, sending shivers down your spine.

You pause before entering, and as you take a deep breath you hear a strange beating noise in the air. It seems to come from all around you, but it's getting louder and louder.

Suddenly there is a piercing scream and you feel something touch your hair. You also let out a scream - as some bats swoops by you and out the open door. Squealing as they go.


You are inside now. Afraid to take a step in the dark.

Another bolt of lightning lights up the room, and you see a table to your right with a candle stick on it.

You reach out and pick up the candle, and light it with matches that you find beside it...

The candle flickers, and you put your hand around it to keep it alight.

Carefully you hold it above your head to get a better look at the room you find yourself in.

It is empty apart from the table near the door.

gingerly you take a step forward. The floorboards creak under your weight.

Another bolt of lightning cracks through the night and lights the room once more. You see four doors leading off the room.

Slowly you creep up to the first door.


Enter if you dare!


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