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Just after midnight January 24, 2003
Our Holy Father called Jenny to be with him!

Jenny's in a two-year fight against cancer

She's a fan of NASCAR star Dale Earnhardt Jr. She loves music, teddy bears, and butterflies.
And she has dreams for the future…

But Jennifer Indorf has had to put her dreams on hold for almost two years now… A lifelong
member of Faith Lutheran Church, who lives in Navarre, with her mother and younger brother,
Jenny is fighting a rare form of cancer.

It began in January of 2001, as she entered the middle of her junior year at Fairless High
School. By Mid-summer, she had been through surgery and was enduring massive doses of
chemotherapy, and the side-effects made her so sick she had to be hospitalized five times. She
missed the end of her junior year and most of her senior year, but was tutored at home so she
could keep her education on schedule.

Jenny endured a hysterectomy in early January 2002. That was a year after it all began and
about the same time other girls her age were returning to school from Christmas vacation. And
still more cancer was found, and more chemo followed, into the Spring of 2002. She
rebounded sufficiently to return to school for the end of the year, and proudly received her
diploma with the Fairless Class of 2002. A short time later, in June, a CAT Scan gave every
indication that the cancer was gone. She enrolled at Malone College, planning to continue her
education and get her life back to as normal as possible. But that dream crashed when, in
August, another CAT Scan discovered another tumor. Another surgery followed, and more
chemo. But this courageous young lady still went to college, but online instead of in person.

Early in November, more tumors were discovered. Jenny is now seeing a new team of doctors
and undergoing a new treatment regimen.


The family and loved ones of Jennifer Indorf ask for your prayers that she be healed of her
cancer. We PRAY for your prayers, that you will join us in raising up a mighty petition that she
is healed. Please, pray and pray often to our heavenly Father! Remember, His Son urged us to
be persistent in praying for our desires, and what more wonderful, holy of a desire can we have
then the desire to see another of God's children healed from a grave illness!?

We may not understand all the whys and wherefores of our prayer relationship with our Divine
Source, for man and the troubled world we live in are complex things. But know that God
hears and is moved by the love His children express in prayers for the benefit of another
Know that he hears!

The words, the creations that come from our mouths are born in our hearts. Let those words,
those creations, be loving prayers for healing this child, Jenny. And pray for others, and share
the plight of Jenny and those others with more of our brothers and sisters so they, too, can jo
in this growing act of love.

Do not feel awkward, but let your petitions flow to the Divine Father. And if you desire to do
even more, utilize these methods of prayer; As you pray, envision in your mind a child of God,
robed in white, and know that this is Jenny. As you pray for her healing, see this child filled with
the healing Light of the Divine, a Light that floods every organ, every fiber of that body so that
nothing unhealthy can remain. OR, use what some call a prayer of action. When rising in the
morning, in your prayer, tell our Father that you will make an extra effort to do something good
and offer that good action as a prayer for Jenny. Then go. Smile, show concern, offer a
compliment, offer a pleasantry, hold a door open for someone… These seemingly small actions
are in reality powerful demonstrations of love, and they can be dedicated through prayer to a
specific purpose.

With all the treatments, doctors, tests, and medications that have been involved in the struggle to

give Jenny her future back, the mountain of bills has become enormous. If anyone could
contribute financially to help her family it would be a blessing.

Here's how to help, financially, with your gifts….

God Bless and Thank You!

Until we get a account set up Please send any Contributions
To the Address Below

Any questions or inquires can be directed to Pastor Lang Collins at:
Faith Lutheran Church
107 6th St. S.W.
Massillon, Ohio 44647

Jenny would love to hear from you !!

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