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Jax & Brenda Quotes

"Jax to Brenda: Nobody leaves... "

"Jax to Brenda: To be or not to be,horizontial "

"Jax: Fish,moon,stars, I give you Mr. and Mrs. Jacks "

"Jax to Brenda: All I want to do is make you happy. Ask me for anything and it's yours"

"Brenda to Jax:: When I married you the first time, it was because I couldn't have you any other way. And I knew even then that you were too important to lose.You told me that I'd learn to love you.And you were right.I do love you. I want to share my life with you. You can trust me,Jax."

"Brenda to Jax: I didn't want to tell you this in a room full of people... I love you. I love you so much I feel dizzy. I can't even see straight. I can't think straight.I don't even know when this happened. All I know is I want to marry you right away. Jax to Brenda: Thank goodness for small mercies. "

"Brenda to Jax: It's one year, eight months and twenty-seven days since you gave me the same ultimatum that I'm going to give you. Marry me now or you'll never see me again. "

"Jax to Brenda:Brenda, you know me: I don't make promises, as I rule. I learned not to....most promises seem so imaginary, with a lifespan as short as a firefly's. In fact, most things people hold dear, or say they do, don't seem to last. What is valuable one day may be worthless the next; no one knows that better than I do. So i'm skeptical. A hard sell. It's protected me from pettiness. It's also kept me at a remove, from life as most people live it -- until you. How did I know, so soon and so surely, that my happiness in you will never fade? I can't say. It was like waking up with the answer to a puzzle and not knowing where it came from, just knowing. I never make promises, as a rule, but now every word between us from morning till night is a promise, to me. I collect them in my head at the end of the day; i turn them over and set them in place, like bricks. They're that solid. They're that strong. They've built us a home, and wind and fire and flood can't touch it. They give me a place where I can love you, from this day forward...for better, for worse...for richer, for sickness and in health, till death do us part. "

"Brenda to Jax: You've always known exactly what I've needed, which was usually to find my own way.... and I have now. And it's led me back to you. "

"Brenda to Jax: We' re celebrating me, finally getting it right.I've come to a very important realization. It didn't really happen all at once, it was kind of gradual and then suddenly, I just knew with so much clarity... The best times that I've ever had in my whole life... The times I felt the most at ease and the most myself.... The times when I was the happiest and knew exactly what I wanted because it was right in front of me... Were the times I spent with you. "

" Jax to Brenda: Hearts don't lie, only people do. To each other and to themselves"

"Jax to Brenda:When you came to tell me that we were over I said that I was going to prove how smart I was by wishing you well and walking away. Well, I lied, Cause you broke my heart. And that's not an accusation, it's the truth"

"Brenda to Jax: But, If I loved you then I didn't even know it. And you didn't know it either, and you didn't mind. You were patient with me. You waited for me to come around. And now I guess its my turn, isn't it? Here I am. I know I am so madly in love with you. So I guess its my turn. I'll wait for you this time."

"Jax: What I am trying to say Brenda, is that every time that I look into your eyes I feel that I am looking into my own soul. Everything about you delights me. Everything seems to be exactly as it should be...the laughter in your eyes, the touch of your lips, the warmth of your skin, the way fit we so perfectly in bed together and being here with you right now feels like every second of my entire life has been leading up to this moment. "

"Brenda: Love heals everything...which it has. ";

"Jax to Brenda: All I want to do is make you happy. Ask me for anything and it's yours"

Brenda: When I was a little kid I would always pretend like these really horrible things would happen so then that way, when they did, I would be happy. I kinda hope that's what happens today. Jax: I know there's a logic there somewhere, but I'm not exactly sure where to look.

Jax:I don't know what to make of you telling me you don't deserve this life with me. People don't get what they deserve. They get what they have the sense enough to hang onto for dear life. And if you don't want your happiness, too bad! Because I still want mine, and that means you.

Brenda:Can I kiss you goodbye without losing my clothes again?

Jax: I'm no one's consolation prize, I come first, or not at all. The trouble with keeping your eye on the goal is that you sometimes miss what's right in front of you. For instance, you've missed the only man who will ever make you happy.

Jax: We like the same game, We play for the same stakes, All or nothing. And I just raised. Now it's your call. Marry me Brenda.

  Jax: 14 days,Clocks ticking

Jax: " In a few minutes in front of my family and our friends I will put this ring back on your finger forever. As you will mine. From that day on I will look at this ring and think of my wife and how much I love her, and know she loves me."

Brenda: " Here's to our beautiful life together" Jax: "To our beautiful life"

Brenda: Oh, the Magic Lamp needs a hint?
Jax: Yeah, ah huh.
Brenda: Okay! I wish for something that I will have forever but never hold.
It is as bright as the sun and as pale as the moon and it vanishes quickly but it is never gone. (She is smiling at Jax …who is looking clueless at her) Oh, come on didn't your mother ever read you fairytales?

Jax: "Oh Brenda, how can I reassure thee? Let me count the ways. Being your slave, what should I do, but tend upon the hours and times of your desire. I have no precious time at all to spend, nor services to do, until you require." "What does that mean?"
Brenda: "It means, baby, I'm yours."
Jax: "And baby, I AM yours."

Jax:"When you came to tell me that we were over I said that I was going to prove how smart I was by wishing you well and walking away. Well, I lied, Cause you broke my heart. And that's not an accusation, it's the truth" -

Dear Jax, I'm leaving again. I only wanted to warn you and now I've done that. Luis will follow me and we'll both be gone from your life. Please don't look for me or try to rescue me. I promise I don't need it. It's selfish but I'm glad I saw you. I didn't get to say goodbye before I didn't get to know for sure that you'll be all right & now I do. That makes me happy, Jax Thank you for loving me, Thank you for everyday we had together. I know nothing turned out the way we expected but the love didn't go away. It never will..... Well don't ever forget your in my heart and in my prayers. I'll accept only one more present from you and that is for you to have a beautiful life. Don't forget Hope&Trust&Joy and all that good stuff. Choose to be happy Jax & then I'll be happy to. I love you. -Brenda-

BRENDA: When I married you the first time, it was because I couldn't have you any other way. And I knew even then that you were too important to lose. You told me that I'd learn to love you. And you were right. I do love you. I want to share my life with you. You can trust me,Jax.

Brenda: It's pretty amazing that we're sitting here together after everything we've been through.
Jax: It's not really amazing when you consider one thing. We love each other enough to forgive each other, enough to stumble and fall, and try again. Let's make a promise to always try again.
Brenda: Always.

Brenda: "What stakes? What is so damned important about me?"
Jax: (turns back to face Brenda) "What's so important about you? I don't know. Maybe it's your laugh or your smile or the way you act, like a hungry little girl that wants everything that she sees. Maybe it's your mouth or your skin or your soul, the part of you that's real underneath all the tricks and the lies. You're brave, Brenda. You ignore the advice of well meaning people that tell you to compromise. I like that 'cause that's how I am too.

(After hanging up on Tracy because Brenda was seducing him) Jax: You are so naughty.
Brenda: Will you punish me?

Jackpot! Jackpot!
I say that's an omen wouldn't you?!

I want you. Only you. Forever.

I don't know what I did to deserve you. I ask myself the same question each day.

Brenda: "I don't know what I ever did to deserve you."
Jax: "I ask myself that question about you all the time."

Jax: "Brenda! Don't you die on me. No one leaves. Remember? Brenda!"

Brenda: "Every day, every hour of every day you mean more to me."

Jax: "I was going to tell you that I loved you when I married you the first time, but now I couldn't live without you."

Jax: "I don't know what to make of you telling me you don't deserve this life with me. People don't get what they deserve. They get what they have sense enough to hang onto for dear life. And if you don't want you happiness - too bad! Because I still want mine, and that means you.""

Jax: "Gimme a Kiss"

Jax: "Do you have any idea how could we could be together?

Jax: "I love you."

"Jax: "My true beautiful bride." Brenda: "I really am. I don't mean beautiful. I really am yours."

Brenda: "You know with Jax I don't have to trick him, or beg him, or want to die for him to love me. He just does."

Jax: "How long were you happy together?"
Brenda: "Not long"
Jax: "How long were you miserable together?"
Brenda: "Most of it."

Jax: "My beautiful bride."

Brenda: "But, if I loved you then I didn't even know it. And you didn't know it either. And you didn't mind. You were patient with me. You waited for me to come around. And now I guess its my turn, isn't it? Here I am. I know that I am so madly in love with you. So I guess now its my turn. I'll wait for you this time."

Jax: "Nobody leaves. Whatever happens, nobody leaves."

Pinball machine: "Jackpot!" Brenda: "Well, I'd say that was an omen, wouldn't you?"

Jax: "I love you, and I'd marry you over and over again."

Brenda: "Hey, I'm the original 'do everything wrong' girl. Falling in love with you is the first perfect right thing I've ever done in my whole entire life."

Jax: "Me? I'm no one's consolation prize. I come first, or not at all. The trouble with keeping your eye on the goal is that you sometimes miss what's right in front of you. For instance, you've missed the only man who will ever make you happy."
Brenda: "You?"
Jax: "Yeah."

Jax: "A rolls for your thoughts."

Jax: "So are you to my thoughts as food to life; Or as sweet-seasoned showers are to the ground; And for the peace of you I hold such strife; As 'twixt a miser and his wealth is found: Now proud as an enjoyer, and anon; Doubting the filching age will steal his treasure; Now counting best to be with you alone; Then bettered that the world may see my pleasure; Sometime all full with feasting on your sight; And by and by clean starved for a look; Possessing or pursuing no delight; Save what is had or must from you be took. Thus do I pine and surfeit day by day; Or gluttoning on all, or all away."

Jax: "Being your slave, what should I do but tend upon the hours and times of your desire. I have no precious time to spend or services to do until you require. What does that mean?"
Brenda: "It means, 'Baby, I'm yours.'"

Brenda: "No one has ever loved me the way he loves me. One time Sonny said to me that we were like drug addicts and that we were just addicted to each other. And I think that he was right. ‘Cause I always thought that that sick feeling inside of me was what love felt like. And Jax is just showing me that that is not true. You know with Jax I don't have to trick him, or beg him, or want to die for him to love me. He just does."

Jax: "I'm as sure as the sun."

Brenda: "Its because of the way you look at me. You make me feel like I'm treasured."
Jax: "You are."

Jax: I can be there in five minutes, just say the word.

Jax: Try it... you might like it. Hello America, this is Wolfman Jax coming to you from QFIX, that's Quick Fix Radio number 911 on your FM dial. The lines are now open. Callers please identify yourselves.
Brenda: Oh, hi um...Wolfman...this is um Lost and Lonely and Alone once again calling you from Port Charles.

Brenda: You know what?
Brenda: I am afraid. I'm not afraid of dying. I'm afraid to lean on you. I'm afraid to lean on anybody. I don’t know if I'm strong enough to let you go.
Brenda: Oh. I -- I want you near me. Being loved by you is so, so good. I want us to be a family. I want you to fill my days with love and I want you next to my bedside and I want you to hold my hand through all the ugliness. You are the only person who’s ever really loved me. And I want so much to see you smile. I want to see you laugh. I want to set you free because then you'll stop thinking about me and you'll start thinking about yourself, and that’s the way it should be. I've always loved you more than I could ever admit to anyone, not even to you.
Brenda: When you wake up, I'll be strong again. I promise, ok? I'll do whatever I have to do. I'll do anything to set you free.

Jax: Neither do I. You know, it's one thing to come after me but you, it just doesn't add up.
Brenda: (moving closer to Jax as she stands directly in front of him): You know it was very Ned Kelly of you to defend my honor like that.
Jax: (shaking his head and laughing) There you go again. You've got the concept of Ned Kelly all wrong.
B: Okay, let me see. Was he the kind of guy who would ride up on a white horse and sweep a girl off her feet and ride off into the sunset with her?
Jax: Yeah, something like that.
Brenda: (in a throaty voice): I think I'd like that.
Jax: Really?
Brenda: Of course, I'd demand my own horse.
Brenda moves even closer to Jax as she leans against him and he pauses before speaking again.
Jax:See you.
Brenda:(in a wispy tone): See ya.


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