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Welcome to Eden times Valhala
Come now to the new Fountain of Youth
Be of good cheer. Rejoice, weary world,
For the Virtuoso, aka Ravenlord, i.e BlackTie is here
You may throw away your pseudo-religious, outdated texts
Celebrate with me, sing unto the cold heavens
Allow me to be your usher
Feel the power, the beauty, the joy waiting

Through me, all things are possible...........
For it shall be that in the days after the
coming of _____________, the faithful would then find their own natural altars.
Thus,Away now with all blasphemies, cleanse thyself in the hippywater
For it is written.........
The story of the newage neologos begins with a dash of ethos, a pinch of mythos and a granule of chronos.
Music please............

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