[X]Holt SwiftStream[X]

BlueEyes SwiftStream no longer rules Holt SwiftStream.

Appearing from the water a burly male otter stares at you bow drawn. He speaks quietly almost challengingly.
"Greetings ta ye I s'pose. I am Cap'n Rudat BowFling. Be ye friend or foe?"


Immediately Rudat lets his arrow go. It hits you in the chest. You try to swing your dagger but the huge otter is upon you in a second. He bellows as he kills you with your own dagger.
"We do not accept Foe's at our holt, SWIFFTTTSTTTREEAAMMM!"


Rudat lowers his bow and grins at you.
"Friend eh? Ye will follow me then."
He dives under the water and you follow hoping you don't drown. Surprisingly he leads you to a rock then swings the rock up easily. You feel it and realize it's as light as a feather. You dive into the hole and see Rudat ahead of you. Rudder streaming out behind him and his paws close to his sides as you travel down the tunnel into the holt. You land and climb to your paws. The Holt is full of otters and some good vermin. A female otter larger then the Cap'n watches you. Her eyes a deep dark blue. Upon her back a bow and arrow and sheathed in her belt ten daggers all assasins. Her dark blue cloak blows around her. A battleaxe hidden inside. Next to her a marlfox. They approach and the female nods.
"I am OceanWarrior SwiftStream. After my father has past away I rule the Holt as Queen now. Welcome to my holt. Two of my Cap'n's Rudat BowFling and Ferrana the Marlfox. Stay here as well as thou shalt like."
Ocean turns and dissapears into the Ocean to scout her terrain. Rudat and Ferrana nod slighly to you before turning and dissapearing into the holt.


Email: princessofpacers@yahoo.com