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Directions for the Cartoon Activity

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Directions for the Cartoon Activity

Today we are going to create a class cartoon similar to the one I gave you yesterday. Each group has received a card describing a particular point in the Mexican War. It is your job, as a group, to create a cartoon depicting what has been described on the card. Your materials include:

1. A sheet of white paper

2. A box of crayons

3. A black marker

4. A packet of maps and photos to use as a guide (for the less artistic members of the class)

You will have most of the class to work on this project. I suggest mapping out your cartoon on scrap paper before transferring it to a final copy. Use the whole paper, so the class can read it. At the end of class, we will place the cartoon in order, and you will be able to copy down the 10 major events of the Mexican War.