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Workplace Hazardous Substances in Australia

This web site was established to fulfil the needs, of persons wishing to gain an understanding of the management of workplace hazardous substances. The information on this site is particularly relevant to the industrial situation, existing in Victoria, Australia in 1999.

A CHAT FACILITY is available each Monday evening at 9 PM Australian EST (1100 GMT), to facilitate communication between students and other interested parties.

The information on this site may be used for training, with the following aims:

For a broad workplace group,to provide participants with basic knowledge and skills to participate in the process of hazardous substances management, including identification, assessment and control of risks arising from the use of hazardous substances in the workplace.

For groups more involved with implementation of relevant legislation, to provide participants with the skills and knowledge required to implement a program of hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control. The course also provides an insight into Administrative Risk Control and Behavioural Safety aspects of Hazardous Substances Management.

Some training outcomes which may be achieved from the course material provided below, are relevant for all target groups and some for a more specialised target group which are more involved in implementation of Hazardous Substances legislation.


The following documents are substantially the course notes for the Associate Diploma of Occupational Hygiene, Workplace Hazardous Substances Management module, conducted by Alan Cotterell, Director of Acotrel Risk Management Pty Ltd, at Holmesglen College of Technical and Further Education, in Melbourne Australia during 1999.

Hazardous Substances Management - Course Overview

Overview of Workplace Hazardous Substances

Risks Associated with Workplace Hazardous Substances

Safe Use of Workplace Hazardous Substances

Management of Hazardous Substances in the Workplace

Obtaining Information on Hazardous Materials from Material Safety Data Sheets

Dangerous Goods Classes

Explosives Safety (Dangerous Goods Class 1)

Combustible Materials Safety

Radioactive Materials Safety

Dangerous Goods (Storage & Handling) Regulations 1989

Control of Workplace Hazardous Substances

Draft Hazardous Substances Regulations

Transport of Dangerous Goods

Relevance of Organisational Culture To Safety (and Productivity)

Administrative Risk Control and Process Analysis

Operational Risk Management

Adminstrative Risk Control and Continuous Improvement

Driving Continuous Improvement Through Productivity Gainsharing

Management System Auditing

Human Relations When Auditing

About Behavioural Change and Safety

Ethics and Risk Management

Australian Standards Related to Hazardous Substances

Management System Integration

Labour Management

The Following information is about the programme conducted at Holmesglen TAFE, and the means of assessing competency.


Hazardous Substances (ABD503)/Management of Hazardous Substances (ABD563).


Hazardous Substances:
Class participation - Hazardous Substances (presentation)
Assignment 1 - Dangerous Goods (This document is for year 2000 students. Version for current year was distributed to class by hand)
Assignment 2 - Material Safety Data Sheets

Management of Hazardous Substances:
Assignment 1 - Risk Management (Students may elect to complete the Flowcharting Assignment instead of this assignment).
Assignment 2 - Risk Assessment
Assignment 3 - Risk Control
Contact: Alan Cotterell Phone 61-3-57626737

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Related Web Sites

Standards Australia Online
Acotrel Risk Management Pty Ltd
Worksafe Australia
Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists
Victorian Workcover Authority
Worksafe Western Australia
WorkCover Corporation (SA)
WorkCover NSW
Dupont Safety
Chem Watch
Safety Net
More Hazardous Substances Links
Paradigm Shift
Risk Management
International Atomic Energy Agency
International Commission for Radiological Protection
Behavioural Safety
Occupational Health & Safety Services
Disposal of Radioactive waste
Major Hazard Facilities Regulations
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More Behavioural Safety
Chemical Gateway
