This Page

NB: This page has been getting large numbers of visiters these last few days, even over-riding the limit allowed to angelfire pages. Please bear with it. I'm looking into moving it.

: Hanon's Partners :
ie. wives/girlfriends, basically. including natalie, kate, marit, krystal & keshet.

: The Hanson Home :
tulsa, oklahoma.

PLEASE e-mail me any information or pictures. I would really appreciate it. Especially with the clarification of Zac dating Kate and the Hanson's home.

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NB: Please remember that it is very likely that some of this information be false. Very little is confirmed by Hanson, everything else is simply a collection of what people believe.

There are some people who don't believe pictures such as these, and this information should be on a webpage. I respect that, and have no problem with it, but also have an opionion of my own. And so I have chosen to do so anyway.
You may not agree with this type of page, but I respect your opinion, so please respect mine.

Basically, if you don't like this, then don't be here. SIMPLE.

Anything to add? Confirm or deny? Simply share what you have heard?
Please e-mail me.

(Since July 2nd, 2002)

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