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Hair regrowth. This new Breakthrough hair regrowth system is clinically proven to regrow hair in 85.7% of subjects!Hair regrowth 
Our Breakthrough hair regrowth system is  clinically proven to regrow hair in 85.7% of subjects!

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     Nisim NewHair Biofactors, one-of-a-kind hair regrowth system, has undergone extensive scientific research and clinical tests, yielding astonishing results.  85.7% of subjects tested increased their hair count by at least 30%.  In addition, 2 out 5 subjects (40%) at least doubled their hair count!  

Scalp Cleansing Shampoo

Very special deep-cleansing shampoos have been purposely formulated to effectively neutralize and remove perspiration, surface oils, and most importantly, harmful Dihydrotestosterone (D.H.T.).  These special deep-cleansing shampoos will quickly bring your hair loss under control and contribute to a stronger, healthier follicle.  

Hair Stimulating Extract

Hair Stimulating Extract was designed to work in conjunction with the scalp cleansing shampoo.  The extract works to grow back new hair, thanks to a unique formula consisting of essential amino acids, a natural organic extract, and DHT neutralizing compounds.  In a clinical study, over 85% of participants regrew a significant amount of hair (increased hair count by at least 30%).   In addition, 2 out of 5 participants at least doubled their hair count (an increase of at least 100%).  


Nisim NewHair Biofactors Advantages

  • Our shampoo controls excessive hair loss in a matter of days! This is the ONLY shampoo on the market to do this.

  • NewHair Biofactors is the ONLY non-prescription product that neutralizes and controls the causes of premature or excessive hair loss.

  • NewHair Biofactors is not a drug. It is safe to use with no ill side effects.

  • Our concentrate product lasts longer, and is therefore less expensive!

  • NewHair Biofactors is the most researched, proven, and documented product available anywhere.  

  They normally sell bottles of their special hair loss prevention shampoo for $34.95, and bottles of their regrowth extract for $99.95.  However, they are dropping the price to just $14.95 per bottle of shampoo (you save 57%!) and $49.95 per bottle of regrowth extract (you save 50%!).  This offer is valid for a limited time only, so order now to ensure you get this special price!



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