"I like when you talk mean about people... you do it in a sophisticated way and its very amusing and entertaining" -- Only the best compliment ever; given to me by Zach Koranda

Sunflowers and Chipmunks
The website of Ursula A. Arnold

Website entry for August 4, 2003
Erica’s wedding was even more hectic and since it just happened this weekend, its fresher in my memory. The whole process started last week though with my six day work marathon. I normally work M-F at the warehouse and then Thursday Friday and alternating weekends at the bookstore, but in order to get off this last weekend and the Thursday and Friday, I had to work the weekend before and then the Monday Tuesday after that. So, in effect, I had four 15 hour days (7-2:30 at the warehouse and 4-9:30 at the bookstore with a 20 minute or more commute to the bookstore) split by two six hour days in the weekend.

Then on Wednesday, I went to my friend Rock’s house to prepare for the bachelorette party. We painted champagne glasses and made a penis cake with purple icing, almost destroying Rock’s mother’s kitchen in the process.

Thursday was the bachelorette party in Minneapolis, but first, I went to work and returned home at about noon only to find that the construction workers had seen fit to remove the entrance to our driveway while I was away. That was fabulous. Anyway, in Minneapolis we went to this restaurant called Chino Latino and it was amazing – they had everything from Thai to Mexican. We then went back to the hotel for the cake and champagne and then out on the town. ........ The other interesting part of the night was when we spotted two marines and decided that they should come with us to get food after bar close. Jamie made out with one on the street and because we were with them, we got into a restaurant just as they were closing.

Friday was pretty uneventful, we went to an awesome Africa restaurant during the day and I got a horrible headache at night. Seriously, I thought I had meningitis and was going to die, but I took a lot of Tylenol and was ok the next day.

Erica’s wedding was fun, a lot of fun. The reception had free wine so we all got drunk and danced. Not to brag, but Rock said that I was a great dancer and made her want to get out on the floor and dance too :] We then ended up going to a bar where I had a vodka cranberry and this drink called a purple rain (ring?) I don’t know, anyway, it was a long island with some kind of schnapps instead of coke and it was amazing. I was so trashed at the end of the night though, but I woke up feeling wonderful despite the fact that I drank only a little bit of water. Anyway, then we drove home and I slept for 11 hours.

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Remember these? god it feels like so long ago... Back in the days when the internet was worth something, I made a nice sum of money off of these things. I feel so sentimental over it, but that may be because I'm playing Billy Joel's "Piano Man" right now.