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Religion 321

Farther than ever before, where no Mind hath traveled yet, where no imagination can reach, there shines a light only viewable in Trance. musically inspired Trance.

The World According to Transaurius,
Fathomlight takes human form

Wand, Wind, and Water
  • East of Covengate
  • Fasting for Quinstessence
  • The Drueling Hours

Angelfire Swimming Lessons
Incense Library
Dreamscape II

For he who has amased so much, so many pieces to the cosmic puzzle, so much, so many seemingly
disjointed, schitzoidal fragments of the microcosmic whole must now transpose them from
thought to Light. Fathomlight !!

The cold emeraldine ambiance of purified thought. Diwali is near. Mythrynx, Dominoxos, Abbagaia

Festivities of Science, i.e. Zenscience: Topic for today, Synesthesia

Within each eureka, each apercu is a 1000 scintilla of the exotic continuum. Countertime. Vivarta, Vipassana, Tathagata.


Years ago, email was created so that any two or more poeple without silly
hangups, etc could COMMUNICATE effectively and even quickly if so inclined or required


  • Easy with the new ephemeris
  • Faster than Atomic Batteries
  • Fun with Rockwell's Sister

Reverend of Circles

Angelfire Claivoyant Centre
Free Thinkers
Oz Kanoz
guest will read books

More clues forthcoming. How many websites would you like to see ?

And you thought you knew me :)