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About Me
Bless America
The World
Acceptable Boys!

Welcome All
This is the third time remodling this site, so give me some credit...Leave comments. Good ones.

I'm trying to find interesting things to put on it, so your thoughts are welcomed.

Happy Holidays
Happy New Year

Let Me tell you about the site

In About Me, you will find a small intro to myself. ex: My full name is Evelyne.
In Quotes, you will find my favorite quotes. Turst me when I say that isn't the full list, I don't have time, to sit and type all of that.
In Aaliyah, you will find a tribute to the late singer. She is one of my favorite artist still.
InBless America there is a little poem in tribute of 9-11.
In Lyrics unfortunatly isn't up, I haven't been able to put my lyrics into order.
In Acceptable Boys, you will find the pictures of guys who are gifted, either with both looks, personality and acting.
In Links, you will find favorite links, which I love going into every day...or at least when I have time.
Everyone knows what is a disclaimer, in mine, I say what is mine and what isn't.
The guestbook which is the most important part of the whole site, is the most important to me. Please sign it. I'm a bit sentitive so leave nice comments and suggestions. free templates