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Queen Cathy's Daily Dose of Dreams
Dream Haven

This is where there will be dream recordings and any kind of dream thoughts or studies I decide to corrupt my mind with.
I I'll be making a dream notebook in a bit and anyone is free to write me their thoughts on it.

Dreams are whispers in the wind
Dreams are messages for your brain to send

Sorry I have not updated...cant think of any dreams, but here are some dreams which have given me inspirations

A dream of my sister and aliens taking her away in a spaceship somehow inspired me to write my series Jastelles.

A reacurring dream about this place with water and rides and differant people inspired my Waterplace series or "Wyrd"

I had various dreams about attacking dolls and magical animals and evil witches.

I wish I could remember my dreams to put them in here. I really want a dream record type dealie. I can not think of a story of mine, besides Jeanies (which was inspired by play as a child) that was not inspired by my dreams.

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