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Crime And Punishment - Untouchable Your Gonna Get Your Ass Kicked

(with his first CWA ppv appearance coming up, and seeing as there is no Saturday slam this week, frank decides to go back to his hometown of Toronto and visit his ex wife and see how his baby is doing. The scene opens with frank pulling up in the driveway of his ex wife’s home)

FRANK man this feels so weird, coming back home to toronto, to see jessica and my baby. I don’t think she’ll be too happy to see me. Anyway, here goes nothing

(knocks on the door and jessica answers)

JESSICA what the fuck do you want!

FRANK I came to see my baby

JESSICA well you can’t

FRANK why the fuck not?

JESSICA because he’s sleeping

FRANK well it’s not like I’ll wake him up or anything

JESSICA still, I said no, SO GET LOST!

FRANK you know I think your forgetting something.

JESSICA whats that?

FRANK your still living in my house. The house that I worked my ass off to get, the house that I paid for with my hard earned money. The only reason why I’m not living here is for OUR baby. It won’t be good for him if were fighting every second were around him

JESSICA your house huh, well when we got married your house became our house.

FRANK (pauses) ok, in that case

(frank forces his way into his house)


JESSICA keep it down you idiot the baby is sleeping!

(the baby starts to cry)

JESSICA now see what you did

FRANK I’ll get him (runs up the stairs)


FRANK I’m already in his room, AND KEEP IT DOWN

(frank picks up his baby for the first time and carries him downstairs)

FRANK look at that, the moment i pick him up he stops crying

JESSICA since when did you become so good with babies?

FRANK didn’t you forget, I come from a big italian family, lots of babies

JESSICA oh yeah that’s right. So, when do you plan on paying me child support?

FRANK child support? FIND A FUCKING JOB FREELOADER! I don’t need to give you child support until we get divorced

JESSICA freeloader? I don’t think so

FRANK yes you are. Since the day we’ve met I’ve spoiled you rotten. I always told you to stay home and take care of this house while I go to work in the USW and work my ass off

JESSICA didn’t the usw shut down?

FRANK sort of

JESSICA what do you mean sort of?

FRANK it’s on another break so now I’m working for the CWA. I started working for this in the beginning of this month

JESSICA are you done holding the baby now?

FRANK no I’m not. So how’s little fucker upper doing?

JESSICA don’t call him that

FRANK why not. He’s gonna grow up to be just like me

JESSICA just like you huh? Well what are you anyway frank? One day for the sweetest guy in the world, the next you’re a cheating son of a bitch. You do know that’s the reason your not living here

FRANK yeah well, he won’t make the same mistakes I made. I’m not gonna raise this boy how my parents did. And I’ll be damned if we turn out like my parents

JESSICA what are you trying to say?

FRANK I’m saying that one day we’ll get over everything and be a family again living under the same roof

JESSICA you really think so?

FRANK yeah I do

JESSICA well I don’t

FRANK look at you, your not even trying

JESSICA well why should I. You hurt me deep down inside when I found out you were cheating on me

FRANK well first off, I was man enough to tell you I was cheating. Second of all, since then I haven’t seen one girl, I’ve been going without sex for 3 months and believe me it’s killing me. The only person that I wanna have sex with is you, and only you.

JESSICA well, it’s gonna be a while before I forgive you. So just keep staying at wherever your staying

FRANK you know, I could just stay here since technically this is OUR house. But, in the best interest’s of our baby, I’ll stay at my condo in downtown toronto.

JESSICA which one?

FRANK you know those one’s they built beside the skydome?


FRANK I live in those one’s. every night before I go to sleep I just go on my balcony and look at how beautiful the city is at night. And who know’s. maybe one night the baby can spend the night with me. Hey what’s his name anyway?

JESSICA (pauses) I named him after you, I named him Frank

FRANK you know, that’s the best name in the world. I think I should go now


FRANK the CWA is doing a ppv this week and I gotta get ready for it

JESSICA what channel Is it on? I wanna see you win

FRANK channel 30

(hands the baby back to jessica)

FRANK see you next week


(frank leaves his home and drives away in his black pick up truck. He drives back to his condo beside the skydome to rest before going back out)

FRANK (walks through the door) man I missed this place. It’s been a month since I’ve been able to sleep in a decent bed

(frank lays down and falls asleep)

**********2 HOURS LATER**********

(frank wakes up and decides to go for a walk in downtown toronto. As he’s about to start his walk, his friend Chris stops him)

CHRIS frank man I was about to go up and hang out at your place

FRANK sorry man but I’m going for a walk. It’s been a month since I’ve seen this city

CHRIS mind if I join you?

FRANK nah, I need some company right now anyway

CHRIS so what have you done so far?

FRANK well, I saw jessica. And yeah, she was mad at me, but I managed to calm her down. and I managed to see my baby too. Jessica named him Frank

CHRIS you know what that means? She still loves you

FRANK well it’s gonna take some time before she wants to get back together with me. And if you don’t mind, I wanna stop talking about jessica and just concentrate on my match with that fruit untouchable.

CHRIS no problem man. hey I saw that match you had with him, you kicked his ass

FRANK I know I did, and that bitch couldn’t stand to lose to me so he ran with his tail between his legs.

CHRIS well as far as I’m concerned, you got his number at crime and punishment. You’ve had too many hell in a cell matches

FRANK yeah, and come to think of it, untouchable doesn’t even know what extreme is. I mean, just look at his name, untouchable. Of course your gonna get touched in hardcore matches, especially when your in the cell. This time he has no place to run. He has to fight me man to man. and you know what. After this cell match, after what I do to him, the last thing on his mind would be another match with me

CHRIS hey I’ve been meaning to ask you. What do you think of postman?

FRANK ah yes postman, fellow torontonian. I’ll give him credit, he’s good, but not as good as me. And he was the best canadian in the cwa, but now that I’m here, he’s gonna have to take a back seat because now, I’m the supreme canadian in the cwa, not him.

CHRIS you know what I don’t get about you? You’ve already established yourself as being a man eventer, but you still find it necessary to go after the smallest title first. Why?

FRANK you taped my first promo in the cwa right?

CHRIS yeah

FRANK well watch that tape. That’ll answer your question

CHRIS hey where the hell are we?

FRANK we walked to the corner of yonge and queen. That seemed kinda fast

CHRIS this is the heart of toronto huh. Not bad

FRANK hey, see that big ass building infront of us

CHRIS yeah, it says hudon bay company

FRANK I used to work for them before I broke out onto the wrestling circuit

(frank’s cell phone rings)

FRANK hello?

HUNTER hey frank. I’m just calling to inform you that tomorrow night were doing a house show in new york city at msg. Sorry for the short notice

FRANK no problem. See you in new york (hangs up)

CHRIS what was that all about

FRANK I have a house show tomorrow night in new york. You know I was planning to relax, but now that I think about it, I can scout untouchable, learn his moves, figure out when he tries to do them to you. If he’s smart he’ll do the same thing to me. Oooh man I can’t wait to do a promo tomorrow so I can rip the hell out of that piece of shit.

CHRIS damn it sounds like it’s gonna be a good show. Too bad I can’t be there. I’m banned from new york

FRANK how the hell did you get banned from new york?

CHRIS you really don’t wanna know

FRANK no really I do

CHRIS (pauses) I went to ground zero and started flying my remote control plane


CHRIS it crashed

FRANK uh oh. Yep these days that’ll get you banned from new york. Got the time?

CHRIS yeah it’s 8pm

FRANK shit I better go back home. Fuck I hate these last minute shows.

CHRIS well if you gotta go home now I’ll go meet up with the rest of my friends over at the hard rock café. I’ll see you in a couple of days frank

FRANK yeah, later chris

(chris starts walking to the hard rock café while frank starts to walk home)

FRANK we may be having a house show tomorrow, but you know what, I’m gonna tear the roof off msg. I have something in store that everyone won’t believe

(the scene fades)