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Domain Registration, Low Price Domain Names, Cheap Wholesale Domain Name

One year prices
TLD Register Price Renewal Price Transfer Price
            .com $10.95 $10.95 $10.95
            .net $10.95 $10.95 $10.95
            .org $10.95 $10.95 $10.95
            .us* $10.95 N/A N/A
            .info* $10.95 $10.95 $10.95
            .biz* $10.95 $10.95 $10.95
            .tv $48.95 $48.95 N/A
            .ws $19.95 $19.95 N/A
            .nu* $32.95 $32.95 N/A
            .bz $32.95 $32.95 N/A
            .cc $32.95 $32.95 $32.95
* Registry mandated 2 year minimum registration period
Additional Features
Additional Features with EVERY domain
  » FREE 10 page web site
     » Layouts, backgrounds, WYSIWYG interface, etc.
  » FREE email forwarding (100 addresses max)
     » Create up to 100 personalized email addresses and forward them.
  » FREE "catch all" email forwarding
  » FREE DNS services (create records, set up sub domains, etc)
    » Create up to 100 "hosts", or sub-domains, under your name.
    » Real-time DNS updates (Dynamic DNS).
    » Setup all your DNS records: A, MX, CNAME.
  » FREE URL forwarding (redirect AND frame based)
    » Forward/redirect your domain name to any other URL/website.
  » FREE Parked page
    » Easily "park" your domain at a customized page.
  » Inexpensive POP3 email ($10.95/year)
  » Many more features (All with anonymous name servers!)