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The Whale
By Melana Sedai

The day after the party, Melana gets up really early. She grabs an apple and makes a gateway, she quickly steps through and the gateway winks out. Standing on a long beach, Melana is looking out on the Aryth Ocean. Way out in the open sea, she can spot what she came for. Grinning, she embraces the Power and starts weaving.In the meantime, Rebekah has finally woken. She decides to spend the day inthe Blue Water Garden. On her way out of the Blue Quarters, she looks for Melana, thinking of asking her if she wants to come too, but she is nowhere to be seen. “She’s probably off somewhere getting herself into trouble again!” Rebekah says to herself as she moves through the Tower. In an intersecting corridor she runs into Janos who looks worried. Mumbling an apology he walks past her, then turns; “Rebekah, have you seen Melana? I only sense mischief through the bond today, and I fear that she’s up to something.”

“No I haven’tseen her; she wasn’t in the Blue Quarters when I left, so I suggest you go somewhere else looking for her.”
“But that’s exactly the problem, I don’t know where to look. But I don’t think she’s anywhere near the Tower.” Feeling sorry for Janos who seems quite frantic now, Rebekah asks him to join her. Maybe they’ll find Melana in the Water Garden. Arriving at the Water Garden, Janos looks everywhere for Melana, while Rebekah goes off to the biggest pool and dives in. As it is still so early in the morning, no-one else is there. Rebekah is floating around on her back in the water, eyes closed. Janos has finally given up, and is sitting in a lounge chair, anxiously chewing his nails, trying to look everywhere at once. Suddenly Rebekah feels a gateway open, and then she can hear Melana and Janos talking…well, Janos is doing most of the talking, and in between his rush ofwords, Melana tries to explain that she’s still quite capable of taking care of herself. Rebekah can’t help but giggle hearing the two of them;
“There you are!!! Thank the Light, you’re okay, I really wish you will let me know the next time you plan to leave the Tower without me!”
“But Janos…”
“You have no idea how I felt when you were away, I didn’t know if you were in danger or whether or not you needed me to guard your back! Or if you still had a back toguard for that matter”
“Janos, I was just...”
“And look at my fingers, I don’thave one nail left, not one I tell ya, The horror, the horror...”
“If you would just listen to me…”
“And then I ran into Rebekah, and she didn’t know anything either, and I didn’t know where to go or what to do!”
“Janos, I’m a big girl and can take care of…”
“Honestly, I don’t think you should go anywhere without me, I can’t imagine how you managed at all before I became your Warder. From now on, I’ll be sleeping on the floor outside your door!”
“I don’t think that’s necessary, I was just…”
“And I’ll be by your side wherever you go, I will not let you out of my sight! Yes I’ll be the best Warder anyone could have, starting now!”

Melana is left gaping as Janos moves to stand by her. She takes one step forward, and he follows. She takes one step to the side, and he still follows. “Light, now I’ve really done it!” Rebekah can hear her mutter. “Well, I’ll take care of this later. On with my plan!” Rebekah, still floating around in the pool, notices that something is blocking out the sun. Looking up she sees something that appears to be a big balloon…a very big balloon, grey, and formed as a fish. Swimming quickly towards the edge of the pool, she hears a big splash behind her, and suddenly a huge wave lifts her up, and next thing, she’s sitting on the ground. Melana is standing next to her, laughing. “I brought you a present Rebekah. Now we have our very own whale in the Water Garden.” Getting to her feet, Rebekah looks into the pool, and finds that Melana wasn’t joking. There’s a big grey whale swimming around, seeming to enjoy himself immensely…in her favourite pool. “Melana, I don’t want any whale in my pool. I can’t swim in it with that huge… beast…waiting to swallow me up.”
“Rebekah, whales don’t eat people…I think. Besides, it will make a good attraction! It will hopefully get more people to comehere.”
“Blood and bloody ashes, couldn’t you have mentioned this crazy idea to me first, so I could have told you no?” Rebekah, a tiny bit irritated now, turns and starts to walk away. Turning to glance one last time at her favourite pool, she sees that Melana is kneeling at the edge, giving the whalefish from a bucket. Janos is standing next to her, holding her other arm in a firm grip, making sure that she won’t fall into the pool and drown. Smiling,Rebekah soundlessly makes her way back. Standing behind the two, she’s wondering how to make Janos let go, but she gets unexpected help. “Let go of my arm, will you? It’s not like I’m planning to jump into the pool with that thing swimming around. And I promise that I’m not going anywhere.” Melana’s voice sounds both exasperated and irritated. Grumbling, Janos finally lets go, but he doesn’t move an inch. Grinning, Rebekah seizes the golden opportunity,and gives Melana a push. There’s a big splash followed by Rebekah laughing, and Melana gasping and spitting. “Oh no, I’ve failed!” Janos exclaims before jumping after, almost landing on Melana’s head, sending a wave of water on her, leaving her once again spluttering and gasping for air. Rebekah is now doubled over laughing. Climbing out of the pool and then giving Janos a hand, Melana at last turns to Rebekah. “Well, I guess we’re even now. I tried to drop a whale on you, and you almost succeeded in dropping Janos on me!” Hugging and laughing, the two women return to the Tower, trailed by a very wet Janos.
