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The Stations of the Cross

"Father, forgive them..."

The Stations of the Cross constitute a major devotion in the Catholic World. They surround the various Sacred places which were personally sanctified by the sufferings and death of our Divine Savior.

Originally, this pious practice was limited to Jerusalem and its environs. Gradually it became universal as several Popes granted plenary and partial indulgences to the faithful who devoutly meditate on the Way of the Cross.

The Stations of the Cross, or Way of the Cross, consists of a series of 14 meditations, or stations. Depictions of these stations are mounted on the walls of most churches below small crosses.

A person making the Way of the Cross passes before each of these stations, pausing at each for prayer and meditation. A plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful for making the Stations of the Cross under the normal conditions:

one is free from all attachment from sin
one receives the Sacraments of Penance and the Eucharist
one prays for the intentions of the Pope


For those that are impeded from making the Way of the Cross in the usual manner, a plenary indulgence can still be gained if, along with the above normal conditions, one spends at least one half hour in spiritual reading and meditation on the Passion and death of Christ.

To go through all of the Stations, simply scroll down to each station. I have not placed ancors to go directly to each Meditation since the Stations of the Cross is best in sequence, to get a sense of all that He experienced for love of us and for our salvation. I highly recommend that one reads a book on crucifixion and/or watches the video "Meditation on the Passion of Christ" by Radix since these images can seem abstract, and the reality of His Passion somewhat lost. Before the first station, Jesus had already been betrayed with a kiss by one of His Apostles. He had stood before the Sanhedren and then Herod; ridiculed, mocked and beaten. He had been tied to a post and whipped with a "cat-o-nine tails" which ripped the flesh off of His body. Many people died from that alone. A crown of thorns was forced upon His head, a rob placed on His back, and a septer in His hand. He stood before the crowds, the same people who had rejoiced in His entry into Jerusalem less than a week before were crying out for His death. In fulfillment of the Scriptures, for their was no other way, Jesus submitted Himself for us. Pilate heard the cries of the crowds...

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The First Station

Jesus is Condemned

As God's own people we have Christ as our head. He delivered Himself up for our sins. In accepting a cruel death He won for
us the right to eternal bliss with God our Father.

The Second Station

Jesus Takes His Cross

As the redeemed of the Lord we are called to walk in the footsteps of the humble, cross-bearing Christ. Each of us has his daily cross to bear to be worthy to share our Savior's glory.

The Third Station

The First Fall

The only safe way to the promised land is the way of the cross. As Pilgrims here, we retrace the same path Christ trod for our salvation. Through trial and afflication we go forward with eyes fixed on our heavenly goal.

The Fourth Station

Jesus meets his Mother

The Mother of Jesus cares for all the redeemed who still journey on this earth. Her spiritual maternity will last until all the elect are safe in the heavenly fatherland. She helps us on the sorrowful way to keep our gaze focused on our true home.

The Fifth Station

Simon of Cyrene Helps Jesus

Love of God and of neighbor marks the true disciple of Christ. When God was a very close neighbor, Simon of Cyrene
hesitated. He had to be compelled to help our Redeemer carry his cross.

The Sixth Station

Veronica Wipes Jesus' Face

As God's chosen ones we are to show mercy and compassion in our dealings with others. It is our mission to comfort the
sorrowing, to put new heart into the disheartened, and to raise the spirits of those we meet.

The Seventh Station


Jesus Falls Again

As God's own people we continue our search for a future and abiding city. The road is long and rugged, not always easy to
follow. When we fall we must rise again like our Saviour on the way to Calvary.

The Eighth Station


Jesus Speaks to the Women

The theater of our earthly pilgimage is sometimes a valley of tears. The daughters of Jerusalem weeping for our Saviour were reminded, as we are now, that they had reason to weep for themselves and their children.

The Ninth Station

The Third Fall

Our Cross-Bearer stumbled a third time in the dust, yet won a name which is above all names. But the hour of shame had to
precede His hour of glory. So must it be for all of us, the people He has redeemed.

The Tenth Station

Jesus is Stripped of His Clothing

We purify and renew ourselves that the vision of Christ may shine more brightly in the church and the world. So we strip
ourselves of deeds of darkness; we cast off all hindrances to our growth in the new life of Christ.

The Eleventh Station

Jesus is Nailed to the Cross

They crucified Him, mocked His dignity and deprived Him of physical freedom. Thus He acquired for us our heritage, the
dignity and freedom of the sons of God.

The Twelfth Station

Jesus Dies on the Cross

He was holy, innnocent, undefiled. He knew nothing of sin, but came to blot out the sins of the world. He proved His love by laying down His life for us.

The Thirteenth Station

Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross

At the end of our earthly journey we, like our blessed Redeemer, are taken down from the cross of this life. United with Him in the likeness of His death, we shall be so in the likeness of His resurrection also.

The Fourteenth Station

Jesus is Laid in the Tomb

In God's plan each of us becomes acquainted with suffering until finally death closes our eyes. But the grave will not hold us captives forever. In God's hour we shall rise, nevermore to die.

Closing Prayer

God, our heavenly Father, we raise our minds and hearts to You in praise and thanksgiving. Though weak and sinful, we wish to follow Your only Son, our Lord Jesus, on the way of the cross. May our Holy Spirit help us use our Saviour's strength effectively in our place in life.

We ask the special aid of our blessed Lady, ever Virgin and Mother, in following Christ and in making His way of the cross our way of life. Amen.


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