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Welcome to My Haven!

Adopted Sailor Uranus
Sailor Uranus
was adopted on 11/13/2002

Okay this is my site, I'm really new at this so bare with me. Hopefully, this site won't suck to bad and everyone will like it.

Me This section is all about me if you wanna know if not oh well.

NB Crew This section is for all my friends back in lil' portugal. lol! You know we had some fun times, can't wait to see you all again.

RWU People Okay, your all crazy, all of you. But hey, what can i say I love you guys!

Pictures This people is were you can find pictures of me and my friends. Doesn't that sound exciting? Ok so maybe not but take a gander anyway!

Poetry Since some people *cough ray *cough *cough katie *cough think my poetry is good, I guess I'll put it up for you to read and/or criticize.

Quizzes This is a bunch of cool quizzes I've come across. Check em out and see what you are!

Links These are some of my favorite links, so check 'em out!

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My Favorite Web sites

My Baby's site
Katsie's little world
