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Clan Created August 18, 2001

The Crowbar Knights 

© 2001 -=|cK|=- Clan

Crowbar Knights News
February 18, 2002

Sup Sup cK and others!  The clan had a match with [TFCC] on the 23rd... and... cK got through and won.  gg to [TFCC] as they put up a good fight.  gg to -=|cK|=- for getting the win.  The clan will now find another match to have as we are eager to fight :).


Short update, till next time, peace.

February 19, 2002

 Hey guys, our match Tuesday with .187 did go so well .  We lost 232-336 on Avanti.  GG to .187 who played a great match.  Man, their soldiers were annoying hehe.  cK played a good match, some of us were laggy but it was alright.  Suizidalbunni though had a family emergency, and couldn't go, he was missed.  -=|cK|=- though did its best and we do not regret it.


In other news, we still got our match on with [TFCC] on Saturday 2/23 at 9:30pm EST.  Hopefully we will rise up and beat them :)


Till next update, peace.

February 18, 2002

 Whoo! Saturday we had the Yoda match, we won!!!  Our attack score was 110-35 and our defense score was 50-0 when some Yoda decided to leave, boo.  Anyways good match Yoda and our clan will now get ready for step 2, .187. 


While the clan was practicing yesterday, the clan -MoB- showed up and challenged my clan to a 5 on 5 2fort.  However, only 4 of us could make it, BUT we still won, 80-30, congrads guys, and gg to -MoB-.


Also, I would like to welcome -=|cK|=- |diot 5.4 to the clan. (Ya, I've been recruiting too much hehe.)  He's already been well welcome to cK.  


In some bad news, our server is down, most likely for a long time.  Zara said there was harddrive problems and he can't get the time to fix it.  However, Greeengaloot from 12am is going to give the clan a server so at least we have a place to hang :).  


Till next time.  Peace

February 11, 2002

 Whats up guys?  Anyway clan update:


I would like to welcome -=|cK|=- oPey to the clan, he will be welcomed well!


Next, cK been challenged for 2 matchs, and cK challenged a clan for 1.


-=|cK|=- vs  [Yoda] -  Sat. 2/16 8:00pm EST.       7 on 7 Dustbowl

-=|cK|=- vs  .187 -      Tues. 2/19 9:30pm EST.    8 on 8 Avanti

-=|cK|=- vs  [TFCC]   Thurs. 2/21 OR Sat. 2/23 9:30pm EST 8 on 8 Dustbowl


Guys make sure you goes go to message board for strats.

Arrite guys, till next time, cya

