Patrick Ong, HI Minister

Hearing Impaired Ministry

PP Hearing Impaired Congregation

Mailing Address:
Pasir Panjang P.O.Box 74, Singapore 911123
Click Here to email Patrick Ong or Fax/Tel: 68732783


Every Sunday Church Services
9.30 a.m. Bible Classes
11 a.m. Worship Assembly

@ 347 Pasir Panjang Road. Tel: 67788259

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May 2003

Things We Cannot Escape

1. Personal Responsibility:
* To GOD. He has always held men responsible for obeying His will, receiving His grace and salvation.
* Each Christian has personal responsibility in remaining faithful. (Phil.2:12).
* Every Christian is personally responsible in helping to save souls: both aliens and fellow Christians.
* Parents have responsibility in training children.

2. We cannot escape having influence on those around us: (people are watching).
3. We cannot escape consequence of sin.
4. We cannot escape death. It is a reality everyone must face.
5. We cannot escape eternal judgment and verdict of GOD.

1. Knowledge that we cannot escape responsibilities, death, judgment should cause us to want to be prepared. SARS is a wake up call for all who fear death.

2. Consequence too great: Eternity too long, blessings of heaven too wonderful for any soul to miss.

3. Can escape the sentence due sin. Obedience to gospel, by God's grace, will hear, "come ye blessed." Do you not want to hear those words?

Reason we cannot escape:
1. The all seeing eye of GOD: Omnipresent. (Proverbs 15:3)
2. May wish to flee from all-seeing eye of GOD, but impossible. 3. God sees the wicked, the lazy, the selfish and the irresponsible soul.

If you have been in pain and suffering as of late, we hope that this message has uplifted your spirit. If you would like for us to pray for you & your loved ones, or if there is someone who would like to become a Christian, won't you please give us a call or visit us at the above contact and address. We will be most happy to be of service to you. We need to keep focused if we’re going to be saved in Christ Jesus.

It is our prayer that everyday, life can be "extraordinary." Do you sometimes feel that exciting things only happen to other people? If you see each new day as a gift from God, an ordinary day can seem extraordinary. You can start by thanking God for allowing you to see each new day of blessing. We pray for you to be at every church service each week for the glory of GOD.


** Alternate Tuesday & Friday Church Support Home Visitation from 7 p.m.-9 p.m.

** Monthly Reachout Fellowship every 3rd Saturday.

** Monthly Lunch Fellowship every 4th Sunday 12.30 p.m.


OVERSEAS...Atsushi (Malaysia).

HEALTH...Patrick's parent. Farida's mother. Toh Yock and her son, Zhen Qian. Susie. Katherine. Shiu Khiun. Chong. Chia Gee. Rosalind Chua (JB). June Ng (Cheryl mother). Dorothy's husband.

JOBS...Larren. Mr. John Ng.

WORLD PEACE...Countries in crisis (Iraq, India, Pakistan, North Korea, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia and many more). Pray for world peace and world leaders have wisdom, meekness and humility in resolving conflict. May the good LORD bless and grant them integrity and strength to lead their countries in peace and harmony.

WORLD EVANGELISM...The good LORD please send forth workers to evangelize the lost (without Christ).

For detail and enquiry of the above activities, please click here to email Patrick Ong.

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