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Major disappointment. Christopher Toby sucks at life. Hardcore. We were supposed to practice, and record today (as you might have known), but, alas, Mr. Toby had to cancel at the last minute, causing the MP3 that we were supposed to record to be delayed for at least another week. God damn those Mike Mushok wiggas. Damn them all. So, sorry about the non-mp3 filled site, we'll try to get them up soon. Sorry about that.



Hey all, Alex here. I made huge amounts of updates on this site. You can now join our street team, whoot. You guys should really join up, when the "Repeat Until False" LP is done, you'll all get free copies, so join. Also, all concerts will be announced to you guys first, and so forth, so, be sure to join the street team! Also, Pics, Lyrics, and other things have been added, check the entire site. It's cool. Enjoy the new design. Later.



The "Repeat Until False" LP is slated for June/July release, we will be heading into the recording studio within the next month. Check back here often on info on how to obtain the LP.


This coming Sunday, we will be recording an MP3 for placement on the site. Check back next week, for the full version of Pretend.


Hello everyone. It's Andy. You may notice the extreme changes. We decided that CheCheChei,(SH-eh SH-eh SH-EE) was not the right name for us. Of course Tom Green made it great, it just didnt fit the direction in which our music is heading. Flawed Perfection better defines our music and the way that all our lives work. Things have been going really well. You guys are gonna love the music we're writing. It has been a long process but we now have a setlist. Luke and Alex are still doing well. It has been hard for us to get together and practice. God man I just wanna play a show. We are planning a huge show at an undisclosed location, guerilla type shit if you will. Check back for more details in the next few weeks So that is all. Thank all of you for your support. If tempest would still like to pursue his dream of China-5 I wish him luck. Well I'm out. See y'all later
