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Caroles Hide-A-Way

Hi....Glad you dropped in to check out my Hideaway
Hope you find it interesting and entertaining.Pull up a
seat,and have a look around..maybe check out my favorite
links ,and rummage through my pages.I have also included,
an inside view of my work at
Campobello Lodge where I have worked for
over twenty years...and play,which I hope might cause you
to smile.Also a brief bit of bragging about my family.
I hope you will enjoy your visit and come back often.So
buckle seat belts and get ready for the ride.Please enjoy
the pages I have made with love,for your pleasure!Please
have a look at all the FREE Greeting cards!Psst...please
let me know you were here by signing my*Guest Book*!*I am
now retired*

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My Island Home
Herring Cove Golf Course
Picture Gallery
My Awards*1999*
Favorite Links & Stuff
When Gramma Died
Webrings & Clubs
The Lighthouse(Lake Applet)
Our Guardian Angels(Globes)
The Bay(Lake Applet)
Campobello Sunset(Lake Applet)
Flower&Candle(Lake Applet)
Hillarys Cloud(My Grandaughters Site)
When I Thought You Wasn't(Scrolling)
The Little House

Click to recommend this page.

"We Will Never Forget"

Campobello Lodge Inc.

VISIT~Maggies Quiet Place!

If You Have Enjoyed My Pages..*Please*vote for this site!Thank You!

Valentines Day(Globes)
St.Patricks Day(Globe)
Religious Easter(Lake Applet)
Easter Parade
Winter Wonderland(Snow Applet)
Mothers Day
The Christmas Story(Globe)
Remembrance Day Canada
Canada Day
Fathers Day

Old Guestbook*Full*

International Webmasters Association

COPYRIGHT 1999-2009 Carole~All Rights Reserved
Site Created Oct./1999

Last Updated October/09/2011


DISCLAIMER:To the best of my ability I have credited everyone for their work,however if I have somehow missed you please let me know and I will give you credit or remove it ,whichever you prefer.