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- last updated 09/09/2000-

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- 09/09/2000 -

MACHINA II cover art

I have made some cover art for Machina II / the friends and enemies of modern music. I think I made a pretty good job. ;o) Click here to see it.


- 09/08/2000 -


Machina II / the Friends & Enemies of Modern Music is out there... do you have it yet? Unfortunately, you won't be able to purchase this album... For now, it is only available for download. Sooner or later, a better rip of the records will be done, and then, tree-ed. For more info on FAEOMM, please read the FAEOMM faq, nicely put together by Eric Agnew.

Now, I have the complete album, and am making it available for those of you who don't have a way of downloading the songs, or just don't want to. THESE ARE MP3 SOURCED!!! Fair warning. I am not sure what exactly I am gonna do, probably a 2 CD set. The first, containing the 11 tracks from the 3 10' discs, and the second, containing the 14 tracks from the CR 04 discs.

If you have a chance to listen to these songs, DO IT!!! It is absolutely incredible!

- 09/07/2000 -


Oh My God!!! We have been blessed with the final chapter of the Smashing Pumpkings!!! "Friends and Enemies of Modern Music" is the Machina followup that we've been waiting for!

The following taken from The Smashing Pumpkins Fan Collaborative :
"The followup to Machina, a collection of outtakes and alternate takes from the last couple years. As a final farewell, and a "fuck you" to the label that wouldn't give them the support they deserved, the band made a limited pressing (3x10" + 2LP, 5 discs total) and gave them away to be bootlegged out among the fans.

All tracks are completely new/unheard takes and/or mixes, except for Real Love, which appears to be the same take/mix as the one found on the "Friends & Enemies" 60m cassette>bootleg, and Le Deux Machina, which is the same synth version as found on the acoustic machina demos.

Just to clear up any possible confusion, this is the final official release. 25 copies, that's all. There will not be a CD pressing."

The Songs are incredible!!! Go to the SPFC for track listings. Here is the direct link. Enjoy! :o)

- 09/01/2000 -

new to the list
2000/08/12 Monteal,CAN (summersault)

I'm back at my appartment now, so, University is starting in a bit. :o( God summer went by quickly!!!

I am still looking for summersault recordings. If you have some, I'b be glad to trade with you!

- 08/20/2000 -

I just got back from the Halifax Summersault show! Fuckin'incredible! This was the first time I saw the Pumpkins, and it was awesome.

All the other bands were awesome too... especially "A Perfect Circle". They really kicked ass. So did "The Catherine Wheel", they really surprised me.Well, just to say the least, the whole show rocked!

Well, I got news from my branch for "Billy's Gravity Demos" and "The Friends and Enemies of Modern Music" tree.Seems like my copies are comming in this week. I can't wait. Seem like there are some extra tracks too. Wooo Hooo!

I am currently looking for Summersault recordings of the Pumpkins. ALL OF THEM!!! So, if anybody can hook me up, I'll be glad to trade for these shows. Please e-mail me if you have info.

- 08/09/2000 -

Wow! Can you believe that I updated all the lists already? *patting myself on the back* :o)

Now, for some business... hehe I am looking for some vinyl. Actually, I am looking for the Special Edition Adore vinyl, the one with the woman with the red dress on the cover. I am willing to trade a bunch of CD-rs (10... even more) for it. Even pay cash. If anybody can help me out, whether you know a plave where I can buy this NEW, or you want to get rid of yours... Here's what it looks like, if you don't already know.

I anybody can help me out, like I said, I'd be grateful... (but don't expect any sexual favors... well, mayby.. hehe ;o) )

BTW, the offer for "Billy's Gravity Demos" and "The Friends and Enemies of Modern Music" B&Ps (with an order) still stands. Only 250 fans got to be on the original tree.

- 08/08/2000 -


Hello All!!! I know I haven't updating this site for a while, but hey... I've been quite busy.

This is not a full update... by this I mean that I am only updating the home page, because I don't have time. I will update the lists later this week, FOR SURE! So, here we go...

*New to the list*
Turpentine Kisses
2000/04/16 Chicago, IL
2000/04/21 Dayton, OH
2000/04/29 Lowell, MA

Please note that the lists have not been updated yet, therefore these shows WILL NOT appear on the HTML or TXT lists.

Also, I am the Eastern Canada branch for "Billy's Gravity Demos" and the "Friends and Enemies of Modern Music" discs. So, I'll be adding these to my list. Plus, because of this, anybody who orders from me between now and the beginning of September, I'll B&P the 4 CDs with your order.

If you don't know what a B&P is, click here. This is a great FAQ on the AWESOME SP site, The Smashing Pumpkins Fan Collaborative. You can also check the SPBG for tracklistings of "Billy's Gravity Demos" and "The Friends and Enemies of Modern Rock" bootlegs.

- 06/16/2000 -

*New to the list*
New MCIS Demos (electric)
2000/03/09 New York, NY (MTV/TRL)
2000/03/10 Montreal, CAN (Musique Plus)

- 06/14/2000 -

Version 3.0 is finally up! I've been working on this for a while now, and I'm really happy that this is up.

I'm looking to trade for 2000 shows, any show that I don't have already, as you can see, I don't have that many!

*new to the list*
07/12/1998 Houston, TX
01/07/2000 Stockhold, Sweden
01/09/2000 Copenhagen, Denmark
02/12/2000 Dallas, TX
02/27/2000 Urbana, IL
04/08/2000 Kansas City, KS
05/01/2000 Philadelphia, PA
05/06/2000 Sunrise, FL
05/09/2000 Atlanta, GA
Ultra Rare Trax (inserts available)
666 (audio or video on .ASF)
Adore Documentary (video)

The 666 video will be burned to a CD-r as .ASF files, and I will also burn the .MP3 files of the songs along with the 666 video files. You need Windows Media Player to play .ASF files.

The Adore documentary is an .MPEG video that I copy to a CD-r. This is run with Windows Media Player, or something of the sorts. I also include the 2 Adore era videos, Ava Adore and Perfect, also in .MPEG format, to the disc.

- 05/08/2000 -

change of e-mail, now, please send all
comments or info to the following e-mail

It's easier, and I won't mix my e-mails up anymore.

You've probably noticed a slight change in the page, well, the site is changing, and I reliazed that it's gonna take a while, so, the SPBG will be under heavy construction for the next couple of weeks. You will probably find some broken links, and other construction downsides, but it'll all be worth it at the end!

The only way to view my list at the moment is by clicking the following link :

SPBG list

As you will see, you can't see the tracklistings or anything yet, not to worry, it'll all be comming back soon!

- 05/07/2000 -

Hello all! It's been a while since I updated the site, well... I have a good reason. First off, at the end of April, I had my final exams, so I had to study REAL hard. Then, after university was done and over, I moved back home. And now, a week after, I decided to update the site. ( BTW, if anybody cares, exams went well! :o) )

I have updated the list of bootlegs that inserts are available. Also, I will be sorting the bootlegs by era, so less confusion. The changes will appear during this week, because I don't have a job yet... which pretty much sucks, but I'm pretty sure I'll be getting one soon.

- 04/16/2000 -

Alright, because some people (more like SOMEONE) are bitching about my service, I started thinking... "Why would somebody bitch about what I'm trying to do here?" Then, an idea popped up (the lightbulb appeared and all), why don't I make a section of the site that I would post the comments of people who I made business with. I think that is a good idea. So, now I have to work on that, I have exams going on, so don't expect a site update until a couple of weeks.

By the way, I still didn't figure out why the hell that guy is bitching at me!!!

- 04/09/2000 -

* new to the list *

Adore Demos
08/20/1994 - Dallas, Texas
08/27/1993 - Lowlands Festival, Netherlands

- 03/27/2000 -

* new to the list *

Misery Loves Company - Vancouver '97
Astoria '94
Exit Mellon Collie

Just want to say that the two '97 shows, "Misery Loves Company" and "Exit Mellon Collie" are two excellent shows! Great quality, great music... If you are looking for some MCIS era shows or bootlegs, this is exactly what you want!

- 03/17/2000 -

Happy Birthday Billy and Melissa from the SPBG!!!
Have a Great one!

- 03/16/2000 -

Welcome to version 2.0 of the SPBG! I know, I know, it's not even been a week yet, but I wanted a better looking site, OK? I've been itching to handle a site again... since my band broke up, I can't take care of that one anymore. Anyways, I guess it's for the best, right! More attention for the Pumpkins, or rather the FANS!

- 03/15/2000 -

* new to the list *

2000/02/06 - Edge / Palo Alto, CA, US
Mashed Potatoes

- 03/13/2000 -

Welcome to VERSION 1.0 of The SPBG. Our goal here is to help Pumpkins fans, new or old, to acquire Smashing Pumpkins shows and bootlegs. We know that there are other organisations that probably do the same thing, but we only do it to acquire more shows and more bootlegs, to make the SPBG bigger and better! This is ver. 1.0, so, still very primitive, but, if it has success, it will become bigger, and more complete. But for now, this is what it is.


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